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Tail feathers question


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Hi hope someone can help me here?


ok tonight kya my cag bit me a little so i told her off and then placed her in the other room to cool off. after a min i let her back in the room i was in with my other bird a hanhns macaw. She did this again nothing major but i thought i`d correct it not by shouting just a be careful and remove her from the room once again. I then reopen the door and one tail feather is on the floor nipped off!! she has neer done this before she is not yet a full year old. Is she just upset because i left her? she was calling me. I feel bad but wanted to make sure with you all.




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It could have been just a feather out of place and she took care of it or she could have done it because she was mad at you, its hard to tell which but in any case don't panic over it.


When she bites tell her no and turn your back on her and walk away for a few minutes, they do not like being ignored but don't react if she rips off another feather because your reaction could be interpreted as encouragement to continue.

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The best way to avoid this, is to watch the body language and try NOT to let the bite happen. Parrots do not understand punishment. Yelling at them simply reinforces the behavior by giving them a fun and thrilling reaction.


It sounds like your Grey is jealous and letting you know it wants your attention. This is normal behavior by a jealous mate letting you know that two timing is not something they like.


The easiest solution to this is to have them out at separate times.


The feather being pulled could have been a coincidence with a damaged feather being taken out as Judy suggested.

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I strongly believe that punishment doesnt work. As Dan said try to figure out what triggered the bite. If Kookie bites me its because there is something he doesnt want me to do, so I find a way of doing it. Like when I wanna take him to his cage to sleep, he would try to bite me after he steps up, so now I turn off the light in the living room and say sleep time. After a couple of minutes I come to him and he steps up without any resistance. I keep in the other hand a small plastic stick that he plays with so that i can use it to distract him in case he decided to bite me. Its working fine.

Try to find your way because sometimes we have to change our behaviour rather than forcing them to change.


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