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Baby Einstein for CAG


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I just popped in Baby Einstein DVD for Jasper to watch. I figured it will be better than some of the cable network programs. It helps kids learn to tell shape, read, talk and all that good stuff.

Do you guys think it's a good idea or is there a particular tv station or a dvd your bird likes?

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I am not certain of other, but Dayo does not watch TV really at all. It just provides background noise... :-)


They learn from their flock (You and family) in regards words associated with events and actions. Believe me, they pay more attention than we ever realized to whats happening in their flocks world called our home.

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We doubt DVDs or CD are a lot of use to Greys or parrots in general.

What they really really like is interaction with parrots and people.

If you watch it together Einstein may pick up on your enjoyment.


Misty thinks that DVDs are good to chew on but I don't recommend it


Our 2c


Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/07/15 21:57


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Well I just learned from another thread on here that they pick stuff up from the tv, I think someone said theres picked up the spongebob laugh, and one or 2 picked up the mcdonalds whistle...So Might as well pick up something useful right?! I think its a great idea! It cant hurt right?


I mean I am not saying anyone is wrong, Everyone is right, That they pick up most things from you, But I am just saying they can pick up stuff from the tv and recordings...CaitB2007, Her parrot slater learned the bad boys theme song from them recording it on the answering machine! lol Pretty clever!

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