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Topaz's Vet visit


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The quakers have been a little under the weather the last couple days and I had them on medication.

This morning Topaz threw up 30 percent of her food. So off to the vet we went.

I took the green one too he has the same systems and if he needed a shot Jade needed to be with me.

The vet said I was doing the right thing but wanted me to try a stronger drug and separate them so they can't re infect each other. And they both got a shot. This sort of thing is not that uncommon all birds carry some yeast germs but normally they develop a tolerance for it from their parrots. But both these babies were hand raised from day one. So they did not get any good germs from Mom and Dad to help them out.

I'm also back on feeding every two hours and feeding less so they can hold it down better. So far this has worked.

Also they are both in their very own brooders set at 85* to help them feel better faster.

Here is the picture I promised from yesterday. This is from last night.


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I am glad it sounds like all will be fine with the babies. They are in good hands! :)


Regarding your mention of getting good germs from the parronts etc, there is more and more data on the value of letting birds be raised initially by the parronts...no doubt hand raising them helps them bond to humans, but perhaps breeders should be looking into a compromise? May be easier than it sounds, but other valuable things such as proper preening, immunity, foraging (or just accepting foods), fledging, flying, socialization skills etc seem to be instilled by the parronts...makes some sense. Try as best we can, we are not birds and probably can not ever provide them some of these basic skills that bring value throughout the life of such long lived animals.


Just food for thought as we continue learning more about these amazing animals (birds) and the best ways to keep, raise them etc. B)

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lol The blue one is going to live with me. Thats my dream bird, a blue quaker, have wanted on for over 12 years.

The green is up for grabs you all can fight over that one. lol He/she is much cheeper too.

Oh but I do have a three week old blue quaker and 6 more possible eggs in the incubator at my breeder friends house. So you all are going to be sick or quaker pictures.

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dblhelix wrote:



I am glad it sounds like all will be fine with the babies. They are in good hands! :)


Regarding your mention of getting good germs from the parronts etc, there is more and more data on the value of letting birds be raised initially by the parronts...no doubt hand raising them helps them bond to humans, but perhaps breeders should be looking into a compromise? May be easier than it sounds, but other valuable things such as proper preening, immunity, foraging (or just accepting foods), fledging, flying, socialization skills etc seem to be instilled by the parronts...makes some sense. Try as best we can, we are not birds and probably can not ever provide them some of these basic skills that bring value throughout the life of such long lived animals.


Just food for thought as we continue learning more about these amazing animals (birds) and the best ways to keep, raise them etc. B)


I really wanted to co parent my babies but in the case of my blue breeders the male is eating the eggs. I would love to at least leave them with the parents till at least 4 weeks to 5 weeks of age but that just not possible. Maybe when we split them up next year we might be able to let them stay with the parents a while if they even breed.

The green I have was the only one to live out of four the green pair laid. For some reason the female left the next just as Jade hatched and the others got chilled and died. We got to Jade just in time.

I agree with you 100 percent with what you are saying. It is also believed that parent raised check make better breeders. Which may very well be whats wrong with my blue they were both hand fed babies.

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