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Great news everyone, we are making great progress with rover he is talking a lot cant shut him up, he mimicks quite quick, he is eating out of our hands he also lets me put my hands in his cage now, he still gets a bit agressive but not as bad as he was. He will let me stroke his beak and the top of his head but thats all.

We have got him on a parrot stand for 1 hour a day for the time being just so he can have a bit of freedom from his cage and to get used to us walking past him and being around him. We still have a few problems with him but we will deal with them as we go along he rips his food bowl off everytime we feed him throws it around his cage, he keeps pulling his water bowl off flooding his cage we are having to clean him out 6 times a day. He tends to scream when we are eating he goes crazy so i have to give him some of whatever we are having, he also goes mad with the telephone he hates it i dont know why. thats all for now.

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It sounds like just another day in paradise with Rover, they can be bad little fids sometimes but we love them regardless. You are making progress so take your time and I think he has you wrapped around his little talon.:whistle: :laugh:

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Glad things are going well. Here's what worked for me and my little grey bowl tosser. Look up a food dish call Crock Lock (or Lock Crocks, I'm not sure) They solved my problem here. He couldn't get them off, and believe me, he really really tried:evil:


Keep up the great work. It's soo worth it.

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The crock locks are great,they stop charlie chucking his dishes everywhere anyway.It is a funny thing about greys,they often seem to hate us being on the phone.I am not sure why,maybe an atention thing.You are doing very well,keep it up.

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The lock crocks are made by Lixit just google lixit lock down bird bowls I tried to get the link for you but my computers acting up right now. Sounds like every things going well with Rover other that him being a little brat when I read this it sounded so much like I was reading about a toddlerlol Tyco my older Grey just loves to throw dishes she has lock down bowls but my other birds don't because they don't throw their food I really have to watch Tyco though because she will go around to every cage and throw every bowl across the room she loves the noise of dishes full of seeds and pellets hitting the floor in the stainless steel bowl they can be such little boogers.

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