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has your grey picked up anything from the TV?


tigerlily has learnt to bark from the TV and a few whistles, she has the McDonalds whistle from the end of each advert perfected;)


but she hasn't picked up any other sounds or words, not that i particually want her to learn from the TV cause of all the swearing:blush: :whistle:


but i just wondered if it was harder for them to pick up stuff from the TV

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Charlie has picked up the McDonalds whistle from the advert aswell.It was my neighbour who said to me ,Charlie is doing the McDonalds whistle,I had not realised at first what it was he was doing.

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I think Josey picked up the laugh from Spongebob Squarepant's character from the cartoon of the same name when the grandchildren were there but she hasn't done it lately since it has been a while since the kids have watched it but it was something else to hear.

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I guess Dayo is an exception. We leave the TV on animal planet all day long when we're not home.


He has never picked up anything from it. Which I'm glad, I would'nt know what to do if I heard an Elephant blowing their "Charge!!" sound. :P

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Tobie hasn't picked up sounds from TV, but had an interesting reaction to something I was watching. I have the planet earth series and I was watching the CD about the polar ice caps. Tobie had come over to sit on my shoulder just as they were showing this poor starving polar bear in desperation attacking walrus who were huddled around their young to protect them. The bear was growling and attacking one after another uselessly and Tobie started growling on my shoulder. He learned the growl from the dogs, but was using it here. Then the CD went to the birds nesting on the polar tundra and because they were in the open they had to chase away arctic fox etc. One bird began to dive bomb a grazer (deer like) and the camera did a great job of close up of the deer running (huffing and puffing) from the bird who was still after it. Tobie starts in with "Go on, now. Go away. Go!! Get down now. Go on!!". All the things we say to our dogs when they bother us and we want them to leave us alone.

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