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Rememberance of Lucky


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"Lucky", my mini poodle, was my best bud for 17 years. He was always there when I needed to hug when things just weren't going well, and was the best listener there was.

Lucky helped me make it through a very emotional divorce, and for that I will always love and remember you little buddy. I am so happy you are in a place that you can be young forever.

Lucky, I will always love you.

Your pal, Glen

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It is so hard when a beloved pet dies.I know exactley how you feel,been there too many times.Pets are indeed the best medicine around when you are going through a rough time,they dont judge,they just love.Lucky is as you say forever young now and any ailments are cured. Hope you soon feel better.

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Im sorry for your loss .I to had my Lab 17 years and she was with me through my divorce and was my best friend .It broke my heart so much I swore i would never have another animal yet i went on to have 3 cats and now george !I hope you feel better soon .

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