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Do Parrots smile?


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I swear, sometimes when I come in after being gone a while or just from another room. My Conure has little "Stars" in his eyes (Happy Eye's) and has his Beak held about a quater inch which looks like a Smile!


Do any of you think you see this in your CAG or other Parrot for that matter?

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CD - LOL :laugh:


Not, just the position of the Beak, but also the Star's in their eye, meaning just looking at you from one side.


It's hard to explain, but I guess this fall's in to my wife's Body Language category.


Our first Doberman, "Kodak" would wrinkle his nose inwards side to side and his teeth would show. If you did not know him, it looked liked he was fiercely growling without the growl :-)


I guess it's something each owner would pick up on and just know, that their CAG or other Parrot is smiling in their own unique way

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I'm sure if our parrots could physically smile, it would be the cutest thing, I like to think mine are smiling broadly when I come into the room. They do have their body positions and things that show their excitement for my presence. Makes you feel all warm and cozy inside, I just melt.{Love-000200BF}

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Judygram - What is the body position and how do they look?


Good Morning Talon!


That's a great mind picture :-)


It sounds like Talon is not only smiling, but just can't stand the wait for the acknowledgement :woohoo:


I think if everyone looks closely and pays attention, they will have something to add to the list of their Parrot smiling at them at times.

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Dan,Good Morning right back at you! I know it's early morning for you!! :P


I agree with you, if you really pay attention, they all seem to be able to communicate their happiness and love in seeing you. I have found that they each seem to have their own individualized way of communicating. Perhaps I'll move over to body language thread and continue on...:pinch:

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Hi Talon - Yes I get up VERY early, normally around 4am.:silly:


I am a classic type A personality. If I awake for just a few seconds, the Brain kicks in and starts giving me my list of things I need to worry about and do etc.


I run on an average of 5 to 6 hours of sleep....


Since you are now a moderator, could you move this under Body Language?


Sorry, I didn't think about posing this question under it :laugh:

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4 a.m. is too early for me but to each his own.

I love a good tail wag that is a sure sign of happiness.

Dan the body positions I speak of is the slightly lowered body with the wings slightly out and quivering all over, my sun conure does this best, it means come closer and get me I want to be with you, some call it the begging stance. It is so cute that you can't help but get them and love them.

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Well, since they don't have any lips...

Richard smiles by straightening up and walking toward me when I enter the room.

He doesn't smile, but he sure laughs. I think he knows what laughter is and how to interpret it because he always laughs at the right times. He's seen me at my worst and best, and knows that when I'm laughing, things are going better than when I'm not.

He can get us all laughing because he'll start, then we'll laugh, then he'll laugh louder...He even adds coughing to it, just like my husband does when he really gets going.

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Guest Lidia

Parrots cannot physically smile, but you might be getting used to your bird's facial expressions (such as they are) and can read his reactions better.

On the other hand, parrots with bare faces (like African Greys) CAN blush. Have you noticed this yet? You see it very clearly in some of the baby photographs on this forum, but the adults do it too, a very very faint pink flush.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/07 17:24

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Judygram - That's cute, so excited he's shaking! Sun Conures..the Breeder has a Baby Sun too and every time we go see our Dayo, the Sun comes running and flapping over and gets right in the Middle of it :-) We were so overwhelmed by the out going personality of the Sun, that we asked the breeder to sell it to us too! But, it was already taken :(


Richardmommoy - They may not have lips, that's why it look so funny when they bend their beak into a smile ;) ..But I swear, the way he opens it just right, turns his head sideways with that glint in his eye, it is no doubt his facial interpretation of a human smile. Which he See's every time me or my wife walk in :-)


Lidia - Now when I go visit Dayo and his Bro's and Sista's, I am going to start watching for that. That is truly amazing to me..Blushing :blush: Grey's just keep surprizing me everyday, even though I don't have mine YET!!

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No i havnt seen my grey blush or physically smile but when you come in and he/she fly or in there cage to you sqauking or beeping like the microwave (my chicken has associated the kitchen with the microwave and whe we mention the kitchen he starts beeping,well funny,little duck!!

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I have started to notice Ceasar making a certain sound.. Kind of like a chirp, when he gets excited or wants to come to you.. It is very distinct and can be easily spotted when he does it.. As far as something that would make me think.. smile.. Perhaps how he looks when he is shaking his tail.. but I'll watch for it now more then ever..

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Hi CD and All,


It's interesting to hear how everyone's Parrot let's their owners know they are smiling on the inside and happy to see them.


It's as if they are a son or daughter running to you all wide eyed, big grin saying daddy, mommy, daddy when you walk in the door :laugh:


It will be interesting to hear all the individual characteristics of how each one of our Grey's lets us know!

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Guest briansmum

aww if they could smile :P


but yes, a tail wag, a quick fluff of the feathers and that special little "YAY! you're here, i've missed you" cherp is as lovely as any smile could ever be :kiss:

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Sunny is the most popular name for the sun conure, duh, it looks so sunny, CD also has a sun conure named Sonny, sounds the same just not spelled the same. I was not being very creative when I named her, and I assume its a she as she is not sexed, I didn''t care one way or the other. She is almost like a velcro bird, she stays on my shoulder and goes with the flow, if I bend over or move around she hangs on. She is my constant companion and a very loving bird.

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LOL JudyGram!!


I was just joking because I wanted the Sun!!:side:


I have seen at least 50 Sonny's or Sunny's on various websites in web surfing over the last year.


CD - GULP , sorry no implications there :blush: Wish I had a Sun too!

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Chicken makes a little chirp like a bird when he wants something,what he wants is normally something he isnt allowed Also hes 9 months now and he has very badlly said once or twice good boy,hello,he LOVES to whistle and as paul whistles to him loads is possible for him to never talk yes? i mean chicken whilsels alot loads of diffrent ones random but saying that we both talk to him loads and he knows what words mean ie kitchen,nuts,water,jucie,fruit,no,naughty boy,in your cage i know greys can normally take up to a year or 2 in some cases to speak do people reckon he has a chance of speaking or should we cut down on the whistles? i dont really whistle to him that much i normally respond with yes,what or some word? TA

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Oh, he'll talk allright, just give him a little time, it starts out as jibberish at first then the real words come. My Josey was around 1 year of age before she really talked, but she could do a mean wolf whistle. She still does it but the words are coming in clearer. Just be patient and you will be rewarded with all kinds of words, just be careful of what you say if you don't want it repeated, if you know what I mean.:P

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