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Hello, I am of course new to this forum. I just recently welcomed a baby CAG into my family. He/she is 5 weeks old, don't know the sex,that will come later. Anyway, I love to read all about this beautiful babies so I look forward to reading your interesting stories. I also look forward to sharing some of mine with you! Like I said the baby is 5 weeks old I have had him for a week now. My baby is eating well,sleeping,and being very vocal. He's very alert,and likes to be in the center of everything. Stretching his neck to see all that is going on! Well thanks for allowing us to join the forum. Can't wait to start reading!!

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Hello Nluvwithmygrey and welcome to our family, we are so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new baby grey.


I love that photo strip of your little one and how it shows the growth from the time it was hatched until now, can't wait to see updates to it.


Do you have other birds or parrots? Is this your first grey? Do you have any ideas on what you will name it?


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for sharing some pictures of your little grey bundle of joy, we usually have to ask for pics and you have graciously provided them for us and he/she is adorable.

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Thank you all for all your comments!

Judygram, I do have other birds. I have a few lovebirds, A conure, & a Quaker. This is my first Grey. I had to look high and low for this baby. I couldnt find anyone in my area. I was very lucky to find him/her and the breeder was such a delight herself!


I dont have names picked out yet...suggestions would be nice! I havent had it DNA'd, so I cant wait till then. It would probably be easier to find a name then to!


Thanks so much for the warm welcome!

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My conure is a Pineapple GC. I originally wanted a sun. I had my money saved up. I went out to buy an extra cage and these people had this baby scooting around on the floor. When I picked her up I noticed her leg looked broke and her wings were cut. She was only 6 weeks old!! I couldnt leave her there. They hadnt taken her to the vet and told me her leg would be fine and heal on its own.I convinced them to sell her to me. I took her to the vet got her all fixed up and she is now doing well!

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Oh those are beautiful birds, you will have to share a picture of her, we have an other birds room where you can put it. I liked the sun because they are so bright colored and she is a delight to have.


I'm glad you saved that little bird, that was cruel of them to treat her that way, you came along at the right time.

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Hi & welcome!! I am a new member also, my baby is about the same age as yours, but will be staying with the breeder until it is weaned. I can't wait to bring it home!! I also have a conure, sun & he is a total clown. ;) Looking forward to seeing more pic's of your baby!!

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