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Is it unsafe for her to do this...


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Your bird is still very young. Although I don't feel that what you're doing is a good idea because it involves a lot of movement and chasing, you should realize that the first time you get bitten because of a quick or sudden movement which will more than likely be you doing it, you'll have to realize that the little game you have going on needs to stop for good. Lips are so very easy to get injured.

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yes i can see what the others are saying about the damage your grey can do, tigerlily has often bitten quite hard on my lip and got close to my eye but........


I WOULDN'T GIVE UP OUR KISSING SESSIONS FOR ANYTHING its something we both love but it is closed lips only, she doesn't go inside my mouth.

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I do allow Chimay near my face, and he gives kisses to the cheek and nose. I do agree with Dave with regard to sudden movements. Nothing on your face should be "chased" no matter how cute and fun and adorable it is now. You never know when a sudden head movement will incite an instinctive bite to your nose/lips/ear/eyes.


One time Chimay and I were sitting on the couch watching TV...I must have not been paying attention because he went in and tried to preen my eyelashes. It was SO HARD not to jerk my head away, but I knew that a sudden movement was a very bad idea considering how close he was to my eyeball. He had a five minute cage "timeout" for that one and hasn't done it since! :D

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hahaha yes I could just buy a really neat piece of jewelery hahaha thats too funni jungledreamz!:P


And to clear it up it's not like she is VERY fast at the chasing thing. 'Chasing' in this situation means following my face when I turn it away and laugh. She doesnt seem like ( right now ) that she is going to or thinking of biting at all. But I have never owned a Grey before so Im going to listen to what advice has been given here and maybe only give kisses and find other things that are fun for us both to do.


Dalia likes to be with me no matter what I am doing, So if Im laying on the couch she wants to lay with me. She loves to have her head and neck pet for ever and when I stop she pushes my hand until I start again, she snuggles right into my neck.

She is the sweetest Grey ever.:)



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myafricanqueen wrote:

She doesnt seem like ( right now ) that she is going to or thinking of biting at all.


But you never know when the day will come that she will, there may be something that frightens her at the moment and bam, she can get you real quick like. My Josey has never bitten me but believe me I pay attention to her body language when she is on my shoulder and when she gives kisses for the day may come that she will if spooked.

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i get sooo jelous when i hear people saying that their grey loves hugs and head scratches. as tigerlily was 6months old and from a pet shop i've never had that with tigerlily, at times we can spend a few minutes with head and beak rubs so i guess i really apprieciate these more as their so rare.

i wouldn't trade tigerlily for the world and love her too bits but i imagine you guys snuggling up to your grey and sigh!

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