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Something weird about your grey


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has anyone noticed something weird and funny about your grey(s) and can you share please i would like to know them



my one is very weird and funny when we are lying down my parrot flies to your chest and kisses us randomly and says good boy! automaticaly without me teaching him its very funny my grey is to smart to be caught on camera....


onething else i noticed when he climbs to the top of something he flaps his wings a few times and when he hears a song or music he bobs his head up and down..


he also charges like a bull..




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It sounds like Your Grey has a wonderful personality Adaya likes to sit on my shoulder and cuddle into my neck. and get head skriches and beaky rubs and if I stop she will lift her head and beak my nose and slam her head back down for more scritches and she will do this over and over until I resume the scritches.:laugh:

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Dalia likes to copy my laugh when Im on the phone talking to a friend or family.

I laugh at something that the person is telling me and then she copies me. The person on the other end of the phone hears it and says who was that laughing it sounded like you! I tell them it was Dalia and they laugh and then I laugh and then of course Dalia laughs pretty soon we are ALL laughing!!!

Its the funniest thing ever and I think its just so cute how smart and FUN she is.


Cristen<br><br>Post edited by: myafricanqueen, at: 2009/07/14 18:00

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Misty enjoys climbing my chest to get kisses on his beak. It is one of his favorite activities with me. I take great care to not put saliva on his beak.


One weird thing he does, when he is clearly enjoying his food I say to him "Yum yum yum" and he replies with a repeated lip smacking sound ! This is weird because he has no lips :lol:


Steve n Misty

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You know Jan, I don't know how many times I have watched that video and it is always interesting to view.


The "Best" idea I have in terms of what Tobie is doing, is he is using those blocks and paper as a food holder. So when he crunches into a pellets, the pieces are then caught by the block or paper and he can continue eating that pellet.


Is it possible Tobie has some Jewish blood in him and he is saving money by not wasting food like most do? ;-) :-) :P<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/14 15:31

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Not sure if this is weird but occasionally Emma will grab my index finger with her footie and very gently beak my finger at the same time. I'm thinking that this must be some kind of love gesture… I usually say let go and gently try to pull my finger away from her.

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When ever I pick up the phone, or anything that resembles a phone, I hear Mischief... "Heeelllloooo?"


If I'm in another room and I start dialing the phone, I hear Mischief... "Heellloooooo?"


If the phone rings... "Hheeellllooooooo?"


If I go up to her and say "Hello!" I only get a raspberry.... :pinch:



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AnnaBella likes to tease my dog(Mini Schnauzer), Sandy. From her swing, she'll chase Sandy out of the room. First, AnnaBella lunges at her...Sandy is on the couch about 5 feet away. This causes Sandy to get off the couch. Then AnnaBella stamps her feet and says "go on Sandy, get out"...and Sandy goes out of the room. AnnaBella is SOOO proud of herself after she does this...if she was human, she'd have a giant grin on her face...I can just tell. She constantly teases Sandy like this...


I should tell you. If AnnaBella is off of her swing, Sandy has to be out of the room. Sandy wants to attack AnnaBella so we just won't take a chance...so, if AnnaBella flies to me or whatever, we will tell Sandy to get out of the room and block the entrance. But, Sandy is sometimes afraid of AnnaBella too...so she'll sometimes find a place to hide if AnnaBella is pretending that she's going to dive bomb her. AnnaBella is just a faker. Little turkey.


AnnaBella has a giant vocabulary...if you want to see it, click on my site...it's there along with some old audio files. She's a great bird with an amazing sense of humor...she's constantly answering questions for me...saying "bless you" to a sneezer...laughing, and singing songs I've taught her...I haven't been able to teach her tricks, but she's a wiz with talking...

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