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Any experience with a harness?


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Hey everyone, I have been absent from the forums for quite a while. Although my presence was never really big. Anyhow, I have a 1 year old grey named Savage. He is pretty cool, very playful. I have let his flight feathers grow in, and yes I know this can be dangerous in some aspects, but I figure he is a bird, and needs to experience the essence of his being and learn how to use those wings. He takes flight around my apartment, and is pretty cautious. Usually he only flies to join me in what ever room I have ventured off to.


So back to the harness issue. I would like to take him outside and what not, so I figured a harness would be a good idea. Well Savage isn't really digging the harness idea. I have a few beak sized pieces of skin missing on my index finger to show for that. I know greys take a while to get used to an idea or anything new. Any suggestions on how to get him used to this harness and save some skin?

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hi brian.


i agree with the fact that greys should be flighted and dream of the day when tigerlily will be able to fly outside but i'm afraid to say that a dream is all it's going to be in my case.


i brought the avaitor harness as it's the only one that allows flight and many members on here have had huge success with it.


however i think i left my training too late (i think she was around 1yr old when i started)

the 1st time i tried i forced it on her and succeeded but got terrified when she started screaming and going crazy trying to get it off. i thought she was going to do herself some real damage and i too had a chunk off my finger quickly trying to get it off her.


after that i took it at her pace, slowly getting closer and closer to her with it which took months.

i got as far as tigerlily taking a monkey nut from me by having to touch her head with the strap but that was as far as we got.


i consaulted my vet who said that she didn't think it was worth ruining our bond by trying to force the harness on her and now she still goes outside on sunny days but in a cage instead.


i would love to see her flying around but a harness isn't for every bird and like your grey, she flies around the flat and on the whole is a pretty well ajusted bird so so we've given up on the whole harness thing.


some others will be able to give you some more positive feed back i'm sure but don't make the same mistake as i did and ruch your grey into it. he'll let you know when he's ready!

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I have a hard time getting the harness on Tobie too. I don't force it though. I start like the CD tells you by getting him used to slipping your fingers over his head. When I get ready to put the harness on I let him chew it if he likes and then lay the part that goes under the wings over his neck because its big and I can slip it off easily. He will pick at that. I then slip my fingers through the neck peice with the harness around my hand and in one motion take hold of Tobie beak and slide the neck peice over his head. He doesn't panick, but sometimes while I slip the body strap under wings he will get hold of it with a foot. I just have to stay calm and try to work slowly. He is new with the harness. He wore a flight suit all summer last year and he chewed the straps off over and over again. This aviator harness seems much more comfortable and he doesn't mind it once it is on.

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I have an Aviator harness for Ana Grey which once I get it on her she will tolerate. But I don't really want to take her out in the public so I prefer and she prefers to get her in her wire travel cage, have a good misting in the sunshine and dry out in the sunlight on our back sun porch.

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I'd also recommend the Aviator harness...I haven't had any experience with the Feather Teather before, but from what I've heard from other users it sounds to be a bit tedious as far as the number of clips/buckles on it. Chimay will tolerate the harness, but I've found that he is less and less willing to have it put on him each time we go out. I hope that he doesn't eventually reject the harness altogether, but if that happens my backup plan is to get an "outside time" cage.

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It will take time and patience. Since a first experience that was bad has already taken place, it will now be harder and longer to get him to accept the harness.


The best advice I can give is watch the DVD, then watch it again, then watch it again and do exactly as they tell you to introduce the harness.


The biggest mistake most people make is they do not pay attention to the precautions they tell you about in getting your parrot introduced and familiar to the harness and all all the touching and movements that they must be used to before ever trying.


Once they are used to the harness, there are times they will not want it on and that must be respected at that time and just don't take your bird out or try to harness them. If you do try anyway, a fight will be on and you may risk not being able to get it on again depending on how bad that experience goes.


At a year old it is going to take a lot more time and patience than it does with a young 16 week old grey for example that is fairly compliant at that age.

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my birds do not go outside without a harness, KC my Eclectus wears one he isn't real happy about it but he knows he isn't going out side with out it and he loves the outdoors, my quaker jumps right in his lol, going to start putting Rudy my Tag in hers next week and get her use to it and get her some sunshine and fresh air

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