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Tigerlily knows she's gorgeous


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We never get bored of videos or pictures, we love them so keep em coming, Tigerlily is a cutie in that video and I love the way they talk in whoever's voice said what they are repeating especially when they change from a male to female or vice versa.


Thanks for sharing that with us.

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she's just turnt 2yrs and YES she is saying oh dear me after each sneeze.

i've sent a short clip of her sneezing then saying oh dear me to you've been framed (funny home clips programme)

hope they accept it as they pay £250 for every clip they show, but of course, we all know who the money will be spent on:whistle: after all, she is the star;)

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9th june 07. we'll have to have a joint birthday party next year lol


oh and i just spent £50 on a video editing programme so i can make some decent clips of tigerlily for you all. wait, is that shouts of joy i hear or sighs:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Tigerlily, at: 2009/07/15 19:30

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thanks heather. when i played it back tigerlily was also facinated with herself, in fact when she sneezed on the clip she then sneezed herself lol.

she too also listens to other parrots on youtube, she tilts her head so it's clear she's paying attention.

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That is just the sweetest thing!

Tigerlily talks in such a lovely voice!


My three have got really deep LOUD Yorkshire accents lol! Why couldnt they talk all sweet like Tigerlily?


Thanks for sharing such a great video and good luck with Youve been framed.

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Great video. Charlie talks in a real scouse accent,its so funny.He will say "Ill batter ya" and its really thick accent. I have the Cyber link video editing soft ware,took me 2 years to edit some Kenya videos,Still cant get them to dvd yet.Does anyone have this ?

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