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Adjustment period


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I just received a CAG from a breeder in Miami, fl. where she was very well treated and raised for 20 weeks prior to shipping her to me. I have had her in her cage for 2 days now and she seems to be adjusting well (Playing w/ toys, climbing around eating/drinking) My breeder has suggested that I let her set the pace and I concur with that advice. She is making sounds when I talk to her, but she growls and ocassionaly screeches at me if I get around her too close, but is getting better everyday. I attempted to take her out for a very brief period today to just see how she would do, as she seemed to be letting me know she wanted out. Well, I won't be doing that again for awhile, she stepped up and came out but very quickly flew for my sliding glass door in the bedroom where she is kept and ran into it, I got her and had her step up and again we repeated the act, and again, and again, till I was able to get her back in her cage with much resistance! I know she is not ready yet! I have read in "For The Love Of Greys" that the adjustment period may be several weeks, but how will I know for sure she is ready to come out and start socializing directly with me and my girlfriend, as I do not want a repeat of the exercise today. (How long should I give her in her cage to get use to it and me?) We sweet talk to her all day and I spend the majority of my time in the bedroom on my computer and with her, so she sees me alot and I go up to her cage often and talk to her. Any advice? Thanks!<br><br>Post edited by: jw_ks, at: 2009/07/13 02:36

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You cannot leave that bird in a cage for two weeks birds are very social and need people around them constntly try covering the window with a sheet or take her else where in the house. she needs love affction she's still a baby do you spent the majority of your time in the room where she is if not she should be in a room where she can see someone all the time like in a corner of the family room or against the wall somewhere she can observe all the activity that is going on in the home. She does need toget to know you and how your home works and to do that she needs to be with you sitting with you and cuddleing when they are babies they need this so they don't feel ibsecure you are her owner its up to you to make her feel safe and secure .

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Koko was around 3 months old when she arrived at my home late in the night. We fed her and played with her for a short while before putting her in the cage for bed time. The next morning we fed her and she was out of cage for almost the whole day. She even slept out side her cage, on the floor of the living room. I placed a small stool over her to shield her from accidentally being stepped onto. She adjusted fast and enjoyed our company. Her cage was placed in the living room so that she could see us at all the time.

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Congratulations on your new baby, what is her name? When I brought my baby home at 3 months I held and cuddled with her. You are her new flock and I believe she needs to know she belongs. Why don't you just open the door to her cage and let her come out on her own? Ana Grey likes to sit on her open cage door and play with the toys on the top of her cage. If you have any pictures of your grey, we would love to see them.

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Hiya and welcome to the forum.


Here is a thread from the nursery about bringing home your new baby.




Your baby needs lots of reassurance from you and I do agree that your baby should not be left in a cage for two weeks.


Each time I have brought one of mine home I have spent lots of time talking to them and have let them out of the cage for small periods of time until they get used to their suroundings.

Do you have a play stand next to the cage? Or maybe a play area on top?


Go at your babies on pace but try and socialise your baby as much as you can. I will look through the other threads and see if there are any more which may be useful for you.


Hope you enjoy the forum and I cant wait to see some pictures of your new baby:)

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Thank you, Kamaria is out of her cage tonite sitting on her play area and very much at peace. I know that the process has just started, but she seems to be adjusting well with her new home and cage. She is in our living room area nad loves to watch TV and listen to us as we talk to her.



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