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Baxters 1 Year Anniversay


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It has been one year today since I brought Baxter home. I can't believe how much happiness he has brought me over the past year. I couldn't imagine ever being without him. So, today being as it's our anniversary he is going to get lots of special attention. I just wanted to share our milestone with everyone. I am still as thrilled with him as the day I got him if not more so. {Love-000200C2}

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Yes, Judy, it has already been a year and you can't be more surprised than I am:ohmy: . Where does the time go???


And Janet, I think it is time for a current picture of Baxter...He hasn't had any recent ones up on the forum for awhile so here you go:) Bax1-a398ebb120c192a1a688189b11ce9f5f.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/07/13 03:32


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Absolutely congrats to Penny as well. :) Isn't it funny how we remember exactly when they came to us, just like real children.


As for Bonkers being such a cutie, yes, he is. Every picture I take of him turns out just gorgeous, he really is the camera ham and knows just how to strike a pose:lol:


Oh but he's so mean right now.:( I think I am going to give an update on him in my other post.


Thanks for all the well wishes. We appreciate it:silly:

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