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I hate being sick (just venting)


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I mentioned last week that I thought I had food poisoning. Well ever since then I have been in intence pain on the right side of my stomach so this morning I decide that I should go see a Doctor. He examined me and said that he's not possitive but he thinks I have apendicitis (Just Great) so I go to the hospital and the too blood and pee put me on Iv (I hate needles) then xrays and altra sounds and they still don't know if its appendisitis or not he did say a have a blatter infection. So after 7 hours of testing. he finally said he will send me home yeah. not over yet because he couldn't find my appendix on the altrasound and there wasn't a tech available I have to go for more testing on Monday if it gets wose before that I haveto got back he wants a cat scan and another altrasound done just to make sure its not my apendix. I hate being sick hate it hate it hate it.

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Oh Pat,thats just awfull.I hope they soon decide whats wrong and get you treated.Make sure you drink lots of water, bladder infections are very painful, I had one a few months back and I was in agony,get well soon.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/12 08:18

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Thanks everyone for your well wishes and kind word Its got to get better soon. I can't take much more of being sick. At the moment the only thing thats keeping me going are the pain meds. If I didn't have them I'd still be taking a hot bath every 2hours to help subside it. and my kid and birds would be on their own but as long as I take my meds I can at least get out of bed and do the things tha absolutly must be done. everything else can wait until I'm better.

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