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Hi, Everybody! New Member Here!

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Hi, I'm new here! We (my boyfriend & I) are getting our first Grey, a baby Timneh, at the end of the month or as soon as he/she is fully weaned. I can't wait! We have been going to visit Voodoo at the breeder's every weekend for the past month and a half. I got my first parrot Nero a yellow sided green cheek conure around three years ago, fell completely in love and never looked back! I then added Sweetpea (a green cheek)to our flock about a year ago. Bird love is the best! I originally found this site when looking for info on making bird toys and such. What a great site so much awesome info in one place I love it! Thanks everyone! --Julia voodoo2-bea3510c6fc475a8e8435a79d44065d9.jpg


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Thanks! I went to see him again yesterday and he should be ready to come home next week YAY!:laugh:


He's so handsome (or pretty), but the breeder clipped his wings {Feel-bad-0002006A}. Well I'm off to Home Depot to buy some stuff to build him a playstand. Tkanks again for the welcome!









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Hello Julia and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Voodoo.


That is an interesting and unusual name for a grey.


I started out with a conure also, a sun conure and she only wetted my appetite for more and bigger so I ended up with my grey, Josey, she is a Cag and 3 years old. I got both of them as just weaned babies and I love the both of them to bits.


as you have already found out this site does have loads of useful information in it's many threads so continue to read thru them and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you had not asked the breeder to clip the wings then they should not have done that, as you have probably found out most of us prefer to leave our birds unclipped so they can fly as they were meant to.


Voodoo is a lovely looking Tag from the pic you shared, thanks for including one in your opening post.

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Hi Julia and welcome:)


What a beautiful baby you have there he/she is so cute!


I cant believe the breeder clipped the wings without asking! Has the baby fledged? Its such a shame, a baby has so much to learn and I feel flight is one of the best skills they can have. Its so important to build up those muscles.


Anyway, I bet you cant wait to bring your baby home and add to your flock.


Congratulations and enjoy the forum:)

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I guess this breeders standard practice is to clip the baby's wings before they go home so it's probably my fault for not specifically asking her not to clip him. Both of my conures are flighted now but came clipped so its just another round of the waiting for the feathers to grow game:( . He did fledge so thats good and it's not a severe clip so he can still flap around pretty good and get some lift! (I'm trying hard to look at the positive side. Can you tell?)


The name Voodoo came from a funny story about my mom (who can be a bit zany sometimes ,for lack of a better word). Years ago she frantically called me one night because she thought her neighbors were witchdoctors or something. I went right over to her house to calm her down (I think my dad was away). Apparently she thought the birds in her yard had something to do with voodoo. At any rate I convinced her there was nothing going on and calmed her down. I was telling my cousins the story a few days before we went to look at the baby greys and we were all rolling on the floor laughing. So we named him Voodoo cause it makes me smile every time I think of it!:laugh:


Thank you all for the warm welcomes! voodoo5.jpg


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I'm sure I'll have tons of pics to post of the baby coming home! It's sooner than I thought he'd be coming home but we've got everything ready for him. I hope Nero & Sweetpea behave themselves. We've been telling them about the new flock member so we'll see.:whistle: I can't wait til tomorrow! I won't be able to sleep at all tonight!

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