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harness question


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hi all,


i am looking to but a harness for milo, i see the aviator ones look more confortable as no buckles,

but my question is just how secure are they to take them out in? could it snap or one of the conections fail?


any input would be great.


also if u have experiance of the other harness on the market i would be interested to hear ur review.


thanks in advance

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I purchased a Medium, which is the recommended size for a CAG that weighs 400+ Grams.


It fits my Grey just fine and has since we brought home weighing 430 grams. He now weighs ~ 475 and there is still adjustment should he gain more weight.

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We introduced it to him very young at 16 weeks. I will not say he liked it and in fact a few good bites were received putting it on and taking it off as he grew older.


We started out by just walking him around in the house with it for short periods, then moved outside to our backyard and then finally to public areas all over the place. We do avoid real busy and noisy places because it startles him too much.


The key is not to make it too traumatic when first putting it on. Watch the video closely more than once and follow the instruction sand recommendations closely. If you make the harness a bad experience, it will be hard to get it on him again.

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My favourite subject!! I had an absolute nightmare with the "feather tether" that came with Harvey. He was harnessed trained on this from the breeder. We stood no chance of getting it on - they are soooooo fiddly - and I didn't think the clippy buckles looked that comfortable.


Then I purchased an Aviator. The first time we tried it was so traumatic that I was left in tears and needed therapy due to the screams poor Harvey was making - the £25 I'd paid for it was written off and it was going in the bin - poor Harvey was just going to have to enjoy life outside in his cage!


Then I was reading a post on here from Chimaysmommy, who had succeed with her Aviator and I felt inspired! I tried again and Harvey didn't resist as much! He's now an old hand at the Aviator and still airs his views on the installation (loudly), but once he's on he'll fly on it, perch on his stand etc. It makes days out in the garden great now.


We have a medium harness - Harvey too weighs around 470g (he's 7 months old now). The aviator's fab - go for it! Jill xx :)

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Jilly did you get Harvey from Parrotcare i got Alfie from there & they sent the same harness, not a chance of gettin it on so it went about 50 yards in a southern direction ive seen the Aviator it looks loads better think i may invest ;)

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How bizarre Davey! I did indeed get Harvey from Parrotcare - Bedlington is the next town to mine.


Yip - John gave me the feather tether with the set up (we bought the African Grey package) but I don't think Harvey had ever SEEN the harness, let alone was trained with it! It's naff. I bought the Aviator from John too - and it's so much easier to use - it just slips over his head and under his wings - the hardest bit is the tightening of the buckle around his chest - it's not as "slide easy" as the DVD makes it out!


OMG Alfie and Harvey could be related!!!! :woohoo:

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Hi Rayyan - it's not tight - "snug" is probably the word you would use - you just have to get your baby to trust you enough to cover his head - if your bird lets you cover his head with your hands then you're half way there as it just slips over, using one hand.


Like I've said before - first time was traumatic, but once you realise that it's just a lot of noise and fuss you are more confident. Best thing we got - it's lovely just to take him into the garden on his playstand so he's not stuck in the house or cage when we are enjoying the particularly fantastic UK weather........! ;)

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I bought the harness. I have been practicing touching him all over and I have also covered his face, he doesn't mind, fingers crossed he will not put up too much fight. Looking forward to being able to take him out.

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