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her 1st boing


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YEAHHHHH at last, Tigerlily has her 1st boing:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



but of course she's terrified of it lol:whistle: :pinch: :laugh:


i knew i HAD to sort something out when you guys replied to my thread about biting picture frames, boings and mirrors was the advice i was given.


i had problems cause i have a thin artex ceiling.

i had made several trips to B&Q (diy/hardware store) and i always got a negative answer in how to hang a boing, everyone said any hook would pull the artex down.


but.... on closer examination the previous tenants had strip lights that needed screws in the ceiling, a few screw plugs were still in place but there was also a hole where one used to be. it looked like i had very thick plaster board above the artex (prob two layers)


so, in one of the excisting plugs i held my breath and tried putting a screw up one of them and gave it a bit of a tug to see if it would withstand the weight, and i tugged and tugged and it was going nowhere:P


so i returned to B&Q and brought some "medium weight use, metal self-drive plugs" and some screw hooks.


came home, held my breath again and screwed one in place, the artex came away a bit but once it was in place and the hook up, i tugged and it seemed solid.






here's a pic, i know it's a bit small but i was worried about the weight, i now plan on investing in a larger one. and she also loves hanging from the small orange thing at the bottom of the pic so i thought small wouldn't be too problematic for her.


sorry about the long entry but i just had to share my excitement, even if tigerlilies not impressed at the moment :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: boing.jpg


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yeah i know, but i was hoping she'd take to it really quickly.

i'm very lucky in the sence that if i put tigerlily on my shoulder and hold the new toy with my mouth tigerlily trys to take it STRAIGHT away and we have a little tug of war to make her want it more, however not the case with the boing lol. also not the case with perches, she hates them and takes about a week to get used to them but even that is quick so i hear lol

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