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Money Saving Ideas


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Further to my post yesterday about the expense involved in owning a parrot, I think it'd be a good idea for members to post their money saving ideas on here for us all to try with our greys. It can be food ideas, toys (there have been some excellent toy making ideas on here of late) even money saving heating/lighting ideas for your parrot in winter.


Please make sure your ideas are safe and legal :laugh: hmmm now let me see what can I start with...nope, sorry can't think of anything so over to you!

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Ok, a money saving idea I came up with a while ago is to buy hamster toys (someone else suggested rabbit toys) as they are much cheaper than parrot toys. Please be sure to check that the materials they are made with are suitable and that the toy is strong enough to resist a persistant beak. :laugh: Another idea is baby toys, again common sense should be used when chosing.

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Also making toys is a money saving idea. If you buy a couple of supplies for cheap at the dollar store you can make a lot of different toys out of them, the simpliest things like a string of beads can occupy him forever. Luckily he doesn't know how to untie the knots yet so he can't get to the beads. Check out my newest thread in the toys room. I bought supplies for under $10 at the dollar store and I've already made 6 different toys out of the supplies and still have more left.:P<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/07/09 17:22

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my biggest money saving idea is to buy baby toys from a charity shop.

yes you have to be careful what you buy and give it a good clean but tigerlily now has lots of foot toys like baby rattles most of which cost less than £2 each, whcih she enjoys throwing on the floor !



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