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Biting me not him...


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My fiance and I just got our Grey, Bella, a week ago. She is an orphan from a divorce. Mainly she was handled by the male of the house. I really did want to get her and he suprised me with her when I came home one night from work.


Ever since we got her she has wanted to be petted and step up for my fiance. She will not step up for me. All she wants to do is bite me. I don't know if it is because I am female or what. We have tried having me be the only one to give her a treat, feed and water her. Nothing is working yet. I really want to bond with Bella and not disappoint my fiance that his gift doesn't like me.


Any ideas???

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Hi dstoll01, you haven't had your grey all that long and it takes time for a new fid to settle in. Bella might be partial to males since her prior care provider was male and some greys do have preferences. But don't give up, love and patience can win through. How old is Bella? From your Avatar I can see she is a lovely CAG.

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Bella is about 2-3 years old. That is what I am hoping. I just go up to the cage every time I walk by and talk to her very nicely. I do let her out of the cage when we are alone also and just talk to her. I am hoping with time she will get used to me.

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It will take some time. When I first brought Partner home, he currently lives at my dad's house. He would not go near my dad. If my dad were to go near him, he would back away, and if he would put his hand near Partner he would get bitten. Now, Partner has been at home for over 2 months and my dad can pick him up and also pet him now. Be patient. In time it Bella will be trusting of you.

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