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Roxy is not close to what all the birds here say, but its still cute.


She is 5 months old and says:

Hello Roxy.


Wolf whistle.

Ha ha ha ha ha!


She is busy with a lot of other words, hope they are clear soon, but I love her just like she is and I'm sure you all are in love with yours too.B)

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Jordane does alot of gibberish, but the first real clear thing she said was, "Unncle Roooyyy" (Just like my son says it... Which makes sense, seeing as... It IS the most used word in the house, 'cause we love the way my son says his Uncle Roy's name...)


Her vocabulary has now increased dramatically... Still alot of gibberish, but more is becoming clear... She also likes to have conversations with herself (Or I SHOULD say, REPEAT OUR conversations... lol) I always ask my son when I get home from work, "Were you a Good Boy, today?" or sometimes when we're just sitting there, I'll say, "Ryder, Are you a good boy?" in which he always answers, "No." So, I hear Jordane saying in a higher voice, "Are Good Boy?" and follows in a lower tone, "No." And other times, she'll just say "Good Boy"

Other things she has done:


"Who's the Baby"


Among other things she will say quietly, so it's hard to make it out... lol

She also has the wolf whistle down and whistles like me when I'm calling my dog, so now I just have to say, "Nocona!!" and I'll hear her thru the window whistling for her... lol

She also makes alot of clicking sounds, and clucking, and quacking sounds... all that I've done to her when I first brought her home... and of course, she had to pick up my sons high pitched scream (at least, it not loud... yet ;) lol) In fact, my Mom heard her one day and thought my son was hurt, ran down the hall and he was playing on the floor and Jordane was just looking at her...

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Hi Miltie!!


You are in the same boat as my Wife and I.


We go visit Dayo every Saturday. We've been doing this going on 5 weeks now and I know how you feel.


But, the time is going fast and it is AMAZING each week when you walk in the door, see the Clutch and only say OH MY GOD, are those a different Clutch or did they actually double in Size in just one week. :woohoo:


Yes, please get Photos!!!!

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Hi Trina, no??


I go to YouTube all the time and watch the Grey and other Parrot Video's though.


Can you post the link here so we can al go check it out?


Please, Please, Please :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/19 15:34

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Hi everyone,


Storm said her first word today, She said hello i thought she said it the other day but put it down to wishful thinking, But it was as plain as i would say it this time.. I walked into the room said hello storm as usual and she just said it back to me......

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Thanks Talon, your rite when she said it i was that excited i spilt her water dish over the sofa (couch). I do talk to her alot, but up untill the last couple of days she was pritty quite, not making any kind of niose..

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I tend to look Talon in the eye down on her level, and repeat a word or phrase over & over. She just stays very still watching me, then in a few days, she's saying it. So, good luck, and let the fun begin!!:woohoo:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mine says only a few things that I know of. She hates talking when I am in the room. But I have heard a few things.

What you doing.

Pretty Puppy (grooming shop I use to work at)


Bobby (this is new)

Pretty bird

Good bird

Your so pretty

I'm sure there are other things after all she is a grey but being a closet talker means I have no clue.

She also beeps and rings. lol

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I just loved reading this thread!


Mr. Boo is 7 and talks a lot. I can't even write here all the things he says!


1.Puppy whine

2.Hello bird

3.It's o.k. Boo

4.Calls the dogs by name.. Elvis...Tucker

5.Come ere!

6.Does part of the Cops Theme..."Bad bird, bad bird, whatcha gonna do"

7.Says "Helloooo!" like you are a long lost loved one!

8.No! (in combination with other words and alone)

9.Get down

10.get outta there!

11.Step away from the cage.

12.bomb drop whistle with a splat sound at the end

13. mimics phone calls "hello? oh, o.k. Sure. I can do that. No problem. whaaa? Really? oh my god! No.. that's fine. o.k. sure. Call me on my cell. (laughs) really? .. oh you are silly! ok. call me later. bye .... (beep)"

14. I love you

15. Wanna go outside?

16. Wanna go potty?

17. Wanna take a shower?

18. Peek a boo! (3 different ways)

19. Here boy!

20. meow like cat

21. the bird, the bird, the bird.... YOU the BIRD!

22. truck back up alarm (doot doot doot)

23. Creaking cabinet door

24. water drip

26. triple knock sound

27. whistles up the dogs

28. wolf whistle

29. whistle's part of "hail to the chief"

30. Trilling whistle

31. Robin song

32. Cardinal's song

33. Sparrow cheep

34. An annoying metalic chinking sound

35. A horrifying "squarking" sound

36. Stop that

37. ElvIS! No barking

38. Tucker! Get outta the kitchen!

39. Go lay down now

40. night night

41. Time to go to bed coooo coooo

42. whippoorwill whistle

43. wanna get out?

44. yummmy yummy!

45. Bless you

46. Horrible coughing (daughter was sick)

47. sneezing...

48. bless you!

49. a messed up version of "geh zoont hite"

50. Not right now Boo


and that's all I can think of for the moment.

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He is! I forgot to add the he also has learned to say this one this week.




My daughter is visiting from out of town and she has been talking with him... sigh... I think they are working on "Adios" now too.

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Well Zsa Zsa's current phrase is Good girl! She's still young and not talking a whole lot yet.


Red on the other hand picks up on something new once a week and plays it out big time! LOL Her current favorite is You're a silly girl LOL


Red so far can say that I've heard




Come here

Come here pretty giry

Come here Silly girl

You're a silly girl

You're a pretty girl

Hello Amanda(my best friends name)

Whatcha doin

Are you a cat, then meows

Are you a dog, then barks

Are ya hungry?

How are ya?

You're a silly cat

Are you a bird?


Hey stop it!

Mango stop it(when my Son Conure is scareming LOL)

Hi Red

She has phone conversations, hello, uh huh, alright, ok thank you bye

Wow, what a pretty bird!

Night, and/or Good night

Good morning

Whats up?

No, Yes

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