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current phrases


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AS Kip talks more and more, I have noticed every other day or so she latches on to a particular phrase and just repeats it like a chatter box. She already has down more than 20 words/phrases very well. The last two days its been:


"Good Girl Kip"


Before that it was:


"I love you"


Before that:


"Gimme a kiss"


and on and on...anyways, what is your baby's current phrase?? :lol:<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/07/06 17:33

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Ceasar says clearly.


Step up

Good morning



We count ONE TWO and he says THREE

Whacha Doing


Not clear yet..

Want orange

want blueberry

want to go in the car



Right after he turned 1 year old he started to "get it" about talking... :P

:P :P

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Guest Monique

Ours isn't talking yet. He's about six months. He does some gibberish and also I am a little surprised he still does some peep peep peeping baby talk as that usually stops by now in my experience ... and then he makes a sound that is annoying like the alarm clock on occasion! It's a happy sound for him means get up get up we're having fun today!

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He will Monique, my Josey is a little over a year now and just started to talk some. I was afraid she was going to be one of the few that don't talk. It started out as jibberish then you can make out the words later, give him some time and you will be rewarded like I was. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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Guest Lidia

At the moment:


Would you like a cup of tea?

Do you want to go to the loo?

Are you ok?

Is that good?

Hello darling, want to come out.


Good boy.

Cheeky boy.

Monkey boy.

Do you want some toast?

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.

See you in the morning.


Come and sit with me.

Come over here.

Do you want that?



Absurd bird!

Quack quacky.

Ticky ticky.




First couple of bars of the Indiana Jones theme music.


Typical telephone.

Let go of my ear.

Give me a kiss.

Big kiss.

Kiss kiss (smack!)

Bang bang!

Come over here and say that!


And many many more I just can't remember.


Oh, and when I get up and start putting the lights out, he says, "Is it goodnight?".


Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/06 23:57<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/06 23:58

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Talon says more than I could possibly write here, but here some of her favorites:

Good Bird

Step up

Right Now

Talon want a chip

There you are

Whatcha doing

Are you okay

Thirsty Bird

Spaceship, phew phew phew!

One, two, three

I love you Talon

Matthew, right now!


Talon, please step up

Where's the bird?

Peek a boo

Happy Birthday

Happy bird

It's a birdie, on a perch

Merry Christmas, ho ho ho


I think that's enough, I won't keep boring everyone!<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/07/07 15:00

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SHE says:

I love you

Hi/hello baby

Whatcha doin?


Hiya Hotlips



Hello bird

Harrison is a (very) pretty biiiiiirrrrrd

Pretty cool

It's OK

Feed the geckos?

You're a good boy. (lol)

How's my baby?

I'm sorry

Hello Buddy

How are you?


Where's Heather?

I'm Sorry

gootchie-gootchie goo

Go On


Tell me about it, Stud.

Stop it (talking to the dog)


I don't know how to spell this last one...I think she got it from a cartoon...she says "eye eye eye eye eye"..over and over...and over


Sometimes she'll combine phrases and say something like "feed the oops!"...or "Tell me gootchie stud"....stuff like that

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Richard's are:


Telephone ring

Creaking door

My laugh

My husband's laugh


coughing sound

Sexy Whistle (the tone that rises up/rises up and then down...there MUST be a name for this since it's so common)


"How are you?"

"Come here"


"Hello, Richarrrd"

"Come here, Richarrrd"

Dog barking

Dog growling

"come here you shoulder rat!"


"Stop it!"


And he also shakes hands (zygodactyls?), Give me kissy-kissies


He obeys commands:

"put your head down"





"Come here!"

"Let me have it" (comes to me and drops it in my hand)

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Guest Lidia



Car alarms

Dog barking distantly (like down the street)


Nose blowing



Laughing like a maniac

The sound of sawing

Bird song (from birds outside)

A creaky door

Water running

Water boiling (!!!!!)

Water being poured

My voice exactly to the point it spooks people

Trucks backing up

Clocks ticking (Actually, he says "tick tick tick BANG")

Cat miaowing

Kitten miaowing


Wish I had all 18 years of Joshua's stuff on film. So many things have been forgotten, he has his current favourites.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/07 11:57

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I keep track of Richard's on a notepad file.


Here's a cool trick, folks:

In Notepad, you can hit F5 to stamp the date and time. But, here's what's REALLY cool...open the new notepad file, type in ".LOG" (without quotes...BUT in all caps) and save. Next time and every time you open the file, it will automatically stamp the date and time. Try it.


So, every time Richard learns a new word, I open the file and the date is already there. Richard learned to shake on his birthday. I wouldn't have remembered this without the notepad trick.


I also use this trick after starting a new med to keep track of side effects, for memoires, prayer requests, phone messages I need to keep track of, etc.

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I forgot to add that sometimes she'll talk in a really quiet, sweet voice. In the morning when I go in and get her up, I talk really soft and say things like "good morning, how are you?"...well, she's started talking the way I do in the mornings. You can only hear her if you're next to her...it's so soft.


She has also started singing phrases...and singing things I don't understand. It's so cute.


This morning she said for the first time "good girl"...YAY!!



She also makes the sound of the microwave beeps, dog barking, dog scratching the slider, kissing noises, laughing, coughing, farting, and burping...of course she didn't get those last two from me!!! :whistle:


The way I've been keeping track of her phrases/words is, I put them in her online photo album...then when I want to post them somewhere, I just copy and paste.


I just love this little grey parrot...I really can't imagine life without her.

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Guest Lidia

HeatherStrella wrote:

I forgot to add that sometimes she'll talk in a really quiet, sweet voice.


Heather, that is SOOO sweet, it's really one of the cutest things I've ever heard about greys speaking!



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HeatherStrella wrote:

She also makes the sound of the microwave beeps, dog barking, dog scratching the slider, kissing noises, laughing, coughing, farting, and burping...of course she didn't get those last two from me!!! :whistle:


Hi HeatherStrella,


Of course it is wasn't you, it's always the Dobermans here, that are the culprits ;)


That was more information than I needed to know :woohoo:


I need to design a noise cancellation device specifically dialed in for the frequency those "Noises" we Grey owners don't want them picking up:silly:


All kidding aside, it sounds like your Grey is going to perhaps surpass Einstein in vocabulary and sound effects!


Keep sharing them!!!

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I just have to share this...


Yesterday I had a sneezing spell...it doesn't happen very often but when it does, I sneeze a lot. Well, after each sneeze, my husband said "bless you". This morning, Harrison made a sneezing sound and said a perfect "bless you"...she is constantly amazing me with what she says...unbelievable!! Now, if only I could get her to do it on command!!! Ha.


She has also added these to her list:


come out and play?

pretty girl

(something I don't understand)then she says the dog's name, Sandy...


It's a good thing we don't curse!!

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Jack says...


Hi cutie



I'm gonna sing the doom song! doom dodo doom... (invader zim :laugh: )



Whatcha doin birdie?


Oh goodie goodie goodie!

Wanna cracker?

Used to say "Shiver me timbers!" but hasn't recently.


He also used to be able to name animal sounds, like puppydog, kittycat, horse, duck... etc. but we all kind of forgot about them, so I'm trying to re-teach those.


He mimics phone conversations he's heard from my dad:


*ring*, hello this is charlie... yes... yes... okay... no... yes... okay... okay bye.


It's not perfectly clear, but it's funny to hear. :laugh:


He whistles the Andy Griffith theme song... when my mom taught him, she used to snap, and he actually tried to whistle and click at the same time when he practiced it, lol.


Of course he wolf whistles, makes kissing noises... says "Kissie kissie"


He says a bunch of things, but none seem to be his "favorite." But he does enjoy asking my mom if she wants a cracker.


My sister's ex-boyfriend tried to teach him to say, "I taste like chicken!" ...I'm kind of glad he's forgotten that one. ^^;


There are others, but I can't remember them all...

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