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Speech slurred, is Dayo Drunk?


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Of course not, silly Rabbit. :-)


Dayo is talking with many words slurred, sounding like a drunk Parrot after eating peanut butter from my sandwich. As he continues to chew the remaining peanut butter stuck in his beak, his speech improves correspondingly. He is sitting on Jake's (Conure) Cage after chasing him off.... Huge difference between a conure size and African grey cage when you see he can't walk through the top door without ducking. :P


Notice the pumped up "2 Pack" breast muscles after flying around the house for 20 minutes. His breast is normally smooth, except after extended flying such as playing peek-a-boo running through the house after me.


edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/09 00:24
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caitb2007 wrote:

So thats why Ecko's breast muscle pump out after he flies? Lol his "2-pack" looks just like Dayo's lol.


Thats the only conclusion I can come to. Dayo only looks like that after he has been flying. Kinda like our muscles pumping up after a workout. :-)

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