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Hi All, I just googled for young bird not drinking and found this site.

I saw the post that Tommyn wrote, and I have the almost the same problem.


I have had my bird a week, got it from a new breeder who is only in his second year.


My bird is a cockatiel around 5-6 weeks old, From the second day I had it jumping out of the cage and onto my hand, it would then make it's way up my chest to sit by my neck. by the fourth day, if I whistled it would fly from the cage to my hand or chest, werever I was in the room. Yesterday afternoon it was very sleepy all afternoon and not it's normal chirpy self. This morning its huddled in the cage asleep. I take it out and it just closes it's eyes and has no energy. It has been eating seed from day on ( I had to crack the big ones for it and it kept dropping them) but small seeds and millit, it can do by itself.


I am assuming from reading other messages and from my own experiance that, it is not enough food intake. I have also never seen it drink, I have tried a dropper for water in it's beak but it does not want to know food or water. It is now standing in its cage on the floor, asleep with head drooped forward and to one side. If I don't do something it's going to be dead in a few hours. I am not near a vet, I do not have a car or cash today.


So my first question is, what can I give it via a syringe in the mouth to give it some energy ?


Something like crushed seed and water or what ?


I have no idea and am in a desperate situation, any advice please as it is an emergancy. I do understand it might already be too late, but I need to try something.



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Mark, I am so sorry about your situation. Your tiel desperately needs to see a vet. If you cant get to one PLEASE ring one for some advice immediatley.


Above is a link we have from Dave about emergency care for our birds, it includes a section on fluids which may help.


Have you tried to give the baby fluids just from your finger if your baby wont take it from a syringe?


Ring any vet surgery now, they are usually very good on phone advice if you tell them your situation about not being able to get there your baby needs urgent medical attention! Dont leave it!

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Mark - very bad situation - I was a cockatiel owner for 17 years until January this year - like Casper says - urgent vet advice needed. Your tiel is very poorly.


Please, please seek help immediately - he's only a baby and can't help himself. Fingers crossed for you and your tiel. Let us know how things are going. Jill xx

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Just got back from the vets, as I handed it over it was very very weak, the assistant took it away and said they will put it on oxygen right away, but they came out 2 mins later and said it had died. they brought it back out to me wrapped it kitchen roll then put it in a brown envelope for me. It did not get to see the vet, it died with the assistant. I have brought it home to put it in the garden. I am a very upset and do not plan to get another bird. I have had them up until last year and thought maybe it was time I got another, but obviously someone up there thinks not.

I held it in my hand and against my chest for warmth all morning, but by the time I phoned 2 vets and magaged to sort out transport, it must have been just a couple of mins too late. I am not looking forward to the wife and kids comming home tonight as they loved it too, as it was so hand tame.


Anyway, thank you to everyone for your help and advice.


I hope all your birds are healthy and happy.

all the best.


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I'm so sorry Mark ~ it's an awful time for you.


Don't let it put you off getting another bird - I know it's too early to consider one, but when I had Spiky (my cockatiel) put to sleep in January (17 years old) I was devastated - and wasn't contemplating another bird........


Then whilst browsing I found this lot! Their joy with their birds made me realise what I was missing and that's how Harvey came to be probably the central member of our family.


At least this little baby died with a family who loved him. Like Casper says - time is a healer. Jill xx

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I am so sorry for your loss Mark, it just wasn't meant to be this time but don't let this sour you on getting any more birds as you seem to have a lot of love to give and there is a bird out there for you if you just look for it.

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Thanks everyone.


A very stange thing just happend, as I was cleaning the cage and putting it outside in the shed. a pair of very large wood pidgeons were sat on my garden fence looking at me. Now this is strange for 2 reasons.


1. Very rare birds visit my garden as I live on a houseing estate with no trees (or very few and not close)


2. I cleaned a gravestone yesterday were my Dad, nan & Grandad are, we have a plastic pidgeon in front of the gravestone as my grandad loved pedgeons (only wild ones), and I said in my thoughts as I was there "help me look after my bird Grandad".


How strange is that, it leads to a thought of...


Maybe my grandad has taken it to look after for me, and the 2 pidgeons were a sign that it is with him now.


I am sticking with that thought as it is comforting.


or maybe I am a bit nuts. lol

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MarkW wrote:

I am sticking with that thought as it is comforting.


or maybe I am a bit nuts. lol


Thats a great way to look at it Mark, maybe he is looking after you and no you are not nuts, you are our kind of people, bird people and we are only nuts for our birds. I do hope in the near future you can find it in your heart to try again with another bird but only you can answer that question.

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I'm sorry you lost your little one. As animal lovers we know how much pets add to our life, but sometimes the pain we feel when they are sick or they die hurts so much it makes it hard to open our hearts again. You have to do what is best for you and your family, but you are obviously a loving and caring person and I wish you the best.

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Mark, I am very sorry for your loss. Don't give up the idea of having a bird. I did a google and it seems cockatiels wean at 10-12 weeks. It sounds like your bird was not properly weaned when you got it. Don't give up just next time do your research and find a breeder who properly weans the babies.

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