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new bounceing baby

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yep I did it now we have 4 babies to feed :ohmy: we now have a baby Tag he is 8 weeks old and yes I know how to handfeed,see I can read your minds lol, I handfed my Misty when she was a baby from 8 weeks on but because of medical reasons Misty only lived to be a little over a year old, she had tumors that were cancer so I will always miss her but I did learn alot from her, sorry I don't want to make this sad and I'am so glad u have a baby section incase I get stuck on something and need help ,we have decided on theese names Rudy if he is a boy and Brandy if we have a girl and heres some pics of him




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Debbie, I think you know us well don't you!:whistle:


Congrats on your new Tag and from the pictures you shared he/she is an adorable baby grey and yes we have a nursery room and someone is usually on here all the time to give you some help if you need it, all you have to do is ask.

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RileysMom wrote:

KC ,Riley and Opey don't even wake up till around 10am, I have trained them well lol, but this new baby will for sure have me up early o well I don't mind


OMG, how did you do that? My birds are up when someone is up to uncover them which is me on weekdays and the weekends hubby uncovers them because I sleep in a little longer but never until 10 am, wow you have them trained very well.:cheer:

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Wow! 10am!!!!!


we are lucky to have a sleep in until 7am on a weekend, Charlie my eldest grey is always awake early and talking or should I say shouting away as soon as he wakes up. The others stay asleep for an extra hour:)

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