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broken flieght feather


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chloe has broken a flieght feather it isnt broke off all the way but it is bothering her alot she keeps swuaking i dont know if i should go ahead and try and get it or not i'm afraid it might be a blood feather and we dont have any avian vets close by please someone help me here.

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Susan, I would just let Chloe take care of that feather herself, Josey occasionally has a flight feather out of place and she will get rid of it by herself, the only time I would attempt to help her with a feather is if it is bleeding. I know she is squawking about it because it is irritating her but she will finally take care of it.

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No she doesn't hate you, she might be a little tiffed right now but she will be back to her old self soon, just behave around her like you always have, these greys sure can try our patience can't they, hang in there Susan and Chloe will get over it.

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Judy's right. Your Grey will take care of the Feather and she's not mad at you. She is just upset with the cat and herself for damaging her own feather.


Anytime they have an incident like that, it takes them a little while to settle down and let the adrenalin leave their system.

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She will sort it herself Susan.

My three break flights all the time, I think it looks worse than it normally is.


As long as she is not bleeding and its not a burst blood feather she will be fine.


I hope she is not mad at you anymore:)

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