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Drop on purpose


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I notice Koko likes to drop her stainless steel bowl on the floor on purpose.


Whenever I made fruit enzymes to drink, Koko would fly to my shoulder asking for her share. I would put a little in a bowl and placed it on the fridge. After finishing the enzymes, Koko would pick the bowl up and walked to the edge of the fridge and dropped it on the floor.


She seems to enjoy listening to the 'clang' sound when the bowl hit the floor. What a naughty bird.:angry:

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Tobie has a stainless steel bown that I gave him for that purpose and to put his colored rings in - new game we play. They like the drama of the big bang. Toby especially likes to fill it with his colored rings and then give it a big toss. Big BANG and big Mess! What could be more fun.

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Tyco loves to throw dishes I have hers locked down but if I don't watch her she will go around to every birds cage and throw the dishes full of food across the room. I was out one day just after I got her and she escaped from her cage(she has an escape proof cage now) any way I came home to my kitchen in shamble and she had let every bird out and threw every food dish in every direction all over my kitchen she must have had the time of her lifeLOL:evil:

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Rikki is the QUEEN of dish throwing! I bet if we had a contest here, she would win hands down. She loves to throw dishes, silverware, glasses onto the floor. She is very quick at it I might add.;)

When she is done eating with us, off goes the dishes onto my ceramic floor!! :ohmy: I had bought the "unbreakable" Cornelle dishes......well.......what they don't tell you, is that when they hit the ceramic floor...they EXPLODE!!!! :blink: :blink: :angry: PIeces of them fly all over the house. She manages to get them in all 5 rooms of the downstairs!:evil: :evil:

After having her do this for over a year...I finally remember most of the time to take ALL dishes, etc. away when I get up to answer the phone or whatever. I am down to one bowl, one medium size plate, and am missing most of the others.....:pinch:

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dhorje wrote:

She seems to enjoy listening to the 'clang' sound when the bowl hit the floor. What a naughty bird.:angry:


They do indeed!! Dayo and my conure both throw their bowls if I have them out of the cage and see to relish the sound. Dayo broke two of our coffee cups throwing them into the sink.:pinch:


Now we must place them far away from anywhere he can grab and throw them from.

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Talon wrote:

I had bought the "unbreakable" Cornelle dishes......well.......what they don't tell you, is that when they hit the ceramic floor...they EXPLODE!!!! :blink: :blink: :angry: PIeces of them fly all over the house.:


Oh Jesus Talon, we all bow to Riki, Queen of the Dish Throwers!!! :pinch: :S:P

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Wow, I'm going to have to give my fids a treat or something. They are not food throwers or dish throwers. They both do love throwing their blocks or plastic golf balls off the tops of their playtops for me to retrieve and I thought that was naughty! Thanks for the great visions and laughs!!!

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We also have a thrower. He throws his food bowls, flies to the kitchen sink and throws anything he can get his beak on to the floor. He even opens the cupboard door and grabs the wine glasses out and throws them on the ground. He must think it is so funny grabbing those glasses and watching me realise what is going to happen and then rushing to catch the glass before it hits the ground.


He then stands there all proud with his chest out.

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Dixie has started throwing her bowl as well, I thought it was a one time thing, but after watching her for the last two days she's doing it on purpose. After she eats her breakfast (banana's, strawberries, grapes and cheerio's) she pulls up the bowl and drops it into the bottom of her cage, as if to say, I'm done, remove this empty bowl waitress!




Robin, Paul, Dixie, Sterline, George & Gracie

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Dorian was a water bowl thrower. One thing I love about his new cage. The bowls are in so tight, he can't get them out, and boy has he tried! I taped him one night trying everything he could to get them out with no luck. Chalk one up for the designer who has managed, so far, to outsmart my birdy:P

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One of Maxi's favorite toys is a (washed!) small cat-food can (Fancy Feast or similar). They are small enough that she can pick them up by an edge and smack them repeatedly against the top of her cage before launching them off the edge, and they make that sooooo-satisfying clanging sound that greys just luuuuuuvvv.:P :P :P


Of course, the best part is watching Mom pick the dang things up over and over again!:evil:<br><br>Post edited by: LindaMary, at: 2009/07/08 20:21

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