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New Bird ..


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Hey...iv recently rescued a grey, he was abandoned so i don't no much about him/her .. apparently he used to live with a female, but thats all i know. i want this to be my bird, so im the only 1 cleaning, feeding and interacting with it..or was. my dad comes into the room he gets all excited, he wil step up for him, let him stroke him and move him, as soon as i walk past the cage he spits. i go to pick him up and he bites me drawing blood everytime. i don't pull away i just say NO. Another male came to the house and he was fine, all over him. i feel so horrible as i rescued him, look after him yet he chooses males to be friendly with and just seems to hate me :( . as i don't know his past its a bit hard to know what he has gone through. When we ignore him he starts jabbering away talking. if i sit with my back to him and interact, generally he wil talk back but recntly he has stopped...he now goes to bite my finger when i offer him food, as when i first got him he was fine with this. its quite upsetting that he has chosen to bond with my dad... its only early days as only had him a week or so, but where do i start with him? or her? haha ... thanks

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This female he used to live with must not have treated him very well and that is why he seems to not like women and this is something he may never get over. Greys do tend to choose their favorite people and some greys will choose one gender over the other but that does not mean you will never have any kind of relationship with him.


You will have to continue to interact with him, sit by his cage and talk softly to him, offer him treats, maybe take him into another room to work with him and preferably when no other males are around, I believe you will have more luck that way. Be prepared to spend a lot of time and be very patient with him as you don't know about his past and he has some serious trust issues to deal with, this may take months and even years depending on how old he is.


Just don't take it personally, he is being affected by his past and whatever happened and it will take a long time for him to come to trust you but he may never warm up to you like he does for your dad so don't be too disappointed if he always favors him over you.


It is wonderful that you could take in this grey and give him a good home, he needs the love and attention of someone who will give him what he needs the most, a forever home.

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Judy has given some great advice!


It does sound as though he has a preference for Male company at the moment.


Your new grey will take a while to adjust to their new ownership and surroundings. Give it some time and you build up a relationship. :)

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Judy made many good observations.


You rescued this Grey. It must have come from a shelter or rescue facility. Can you give any further information on how it was kept at the facility you got it from? How long it was at the facility, how it interacted with those people etc.?


It does look like you are going to just have to watch as this bird interacts with the males in the house. The good news is it is interacting. Why not give it a little time to adjust to the new surroundings and family? Let it learn that this is a good home, safe, loving and no bad things going on.


Just by being there, offering treats and maintaining friendliness with him or her will work wonders over time as you have already been doing in taking care of his cage, food and water.


Looking forward to hearing more from you about this grey and it's progress. :-)

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I work for the RSPCA and he came into work 1day and i fell in love with him, iv always had and still have cockatiels. All i know is that the lady who had him, her house got repossessed...so he had to go..then he ended up at work. iv also noticed that he has a 'bandy' leg, which looks like he has had a break, and its healed by itselt, and he has abit of muscle wastage above it..the vet said nothing he would do now as long as he is using it and is mobile. i wish i new his past to him settle. he is great and just really want to hold him and stroke him!! i try not to show fear when i go to pic him up..but its hard as ino i am going to end up bleeding! he is constantly whistling and talking to get my attention, and i do talk to him and give him food..hopefully in time he wil come round to me, even if its just so he will sit on my hand!! thanks for the advice :)

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You never know, he may have suffered that break from the woman who had him and it is hard to tell what he may have been thru so it is no wonder he is not keen on females right now but only time will tell so be prepared to spend a long time in earning his trust. He may never come to regard you like he does the males in his life but you two can still be friends, patience is the key word here.

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Poor bird.Please dont be upset that the bird likes male company,just be happy that he/she has found a friend in your Dad after what sounds like a harrowing past.If your Dad can handle the bird and the bird is happy to let him,be content with that.

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