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Swine flu !


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My son came home today with a letter to say 2 kids in his year (there are 150) have been comfirmed with swine flu ! no action is gonna be taken (they are recieving treatment) and everything is carrying on as normal ! :angry:<br><br>Post edited by: Poppy, at: 2009/07/07 19:54

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Marie that is terrible news, I hope they are gonna do something for the other children in his class as they all have been exposed to the two kids who were confirmed with swine flu. I know that they have determined that it is not as bad as was first expected but this is still serious stuff. Let us know what if anything the school is doing about this.

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In your place I would probably keep my kids home for a couple/few days, to keep a close eye on them for symptoms. I would call the school and get a couple/few days of homework so they would not fall behind. And when my kids returned to school remind them on how important it is to keep their hands clean, not to share foods and to stay away from any one coughing, sneezing, etc.

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There was a lot of excitement when H1N1 (swine flu) first appeared in California. Schools were closed and there were some deaths among individuals who had pre-existing serious medical conditions. From what I have read the mortality rate is no more than from what we called ordinary flu, maybe even lower. Now the same warnings are out as usual: cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, wash your hands frquently, drink lots of fluids especially water, eat a balanced diet, get adequate rest and exercise. See your physician if you think you have the flu. Some antiviral medications help. STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK. DON'T SPREAD THE "BUGS." Hope this helps.;):)

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No Rhys has gone to school on advise of doctor and the NHS Direct . They have said that there is nothing theny can now do its impossible to contain so its just if they show sypmtoms inform your GP and keep isolated !! I suppose really if its already in the school the damage is done if he gonna catch it he is and there is not a lot do about it .:S

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