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Wanna Shower?!


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Ok so I have been putting Ecko on the Shower curtain rod just about every other night when I take a shower, I only got him wet about 2 times and just a quick in and out...So last night he was in there with me, And I got him down off the thing and he like flipped out (in a good way)! HE was LOVING the water, He started putting his wings out and got his feathers all raised up and started showering like crazy! He was having SO much fun, Then I put him back up on the curtain rod so I could turn the shower off, and he ran over to the water and tried to get in again! So I let him in it again, and he was just going to town, Then I finally shut the water off and put him back in his cage, and he jumped into his water bowl and started trying to get as wet as he could, lol...He was already soaking wet though! I think he turned in a duck over night or something, lol


Anyway, Just thought I would share! Hope everyone is well!

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Yeah, he did, I am so glad I was really hoping I would get him use to water and showering! My other birds dont really like it at all, My Quaker use to like to take baths in a tupperware container, Untill one day I filled it just a LITTLE too full to his liking, He jumped in and sort of floated like a duck and he has never went in since :( He still tries to bathe in his water dish though, my lovebird too, I just wish I could get them to bathe in something else!

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Sterling (U2) took his first misting shower with me this morning. Dixie (CAG) on the other hand wants nothing to do with water, except for her water bowl which she gets into about every other day. I've tried putting a dish into the bottom of her cage, but she only poops in it. We'll keep working on it.



Robin, Paul, Dixie, Sterling, George & Gracie

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Awe, I know how you feel, It can be pretty frustrating...Ecko is only about 4 and a half months, so I have been working with him for a long time to be happy with water...I sounds (and looks) really silly, But they say to put them on the shower rod or perch or something and let them see you showering, and while you are showering, make it look like a TON of fun, Shake the water off you, Laugh, Pretty much make it look like you are a bird taking a birdie bath, haha...So yeah, I felt pretty dumb, But I guess it has paid off!


Congrats on you U2's first happy shower!

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Go Ecko! What a good little birdie! I'm really please for you and Ecko - Harvey much prefers to shower with me than on his own in the shower - but those talons.....!


I'm giggling at the thought of you in the shower wiggling and splashing about - I tell Harvey how great showering is - my neighbour (who I don't speak to) must be able to hear and probably thinks I'm nuts! Well done Ecko!

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Isn't it a great feeling? I've been giving Emma a shower every single week for the last 10 months, yet it is only in the last 3 weeks that I finally saw some fluffed up feathers and some wingpits!:cheer: It is awesome and I love it when she demonstrates that she enjoys showering. At the same time.. I didn't realize until then, how skinny she is under all those feathers.


I hope Ecko continues to love that wet shower feeling! {Feel-good-00020114}<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/08 02:05

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Tyco likes to shower and bath at the same time she likes me to put the plug in and fill the tub while she shower she likes running in and out of the shower and dunking her head under the water in the tub she gets right carryed away sometimes. Adaya prefer to have a bath with the spray bottle although Ive never tried taking her into the shower with me she may really like it I'll have to try. I think its grey't that Echo loves having fun in the shower with you least you have one thing less to worry about

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Yeah, Thanks everyone! I will try and get a pic...it will have to be after his shower though, lol, my camera isnt water proof, and boy does he splash it all over the place!


I will get a pic soon though :)


I know what you mean, they are so skinny under those feathers, I am glad someone else thinks the same thing! I am like "yikes! have some more sun flower seeds!" lol cuz you know, they are so fatty...


Anyway, Thanks for the replies everyone!

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