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My Holiday Worry # 2!


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I've been thoroughly reassured about leaving Harvey with my parents for two weeks from you all, and thought I'd solved the problem of my parents handling Harvey, but I think my parents are a little wary of Harvey and he may just end up in his cage for two weeks (he has given then quite intense "nips" when they've been handling him).


My worry is this - He DOES NOT poop in his cage. We went away for a night a couple of weekends ago and a friend came in to "put his pyjamas on" and keep him company, but when we came back (approximately 28 hours later) there was no poop in his cage. The minute I let him out onto his playstand he let rip :ohmy:


Will he hold it in as much as he can and will be forced to go, or can he make himself ill by doing this? I know he's keeping his cage tidy (and it does make a hell of a difference to our cleaning regime him doing this!!) but I don't want him to make himself poorly when we are away. Your advice (as always) is greatly appreciated. Jill x

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will Harvey step up onto a perch? Will he go in and out of his cage on his own? maybe your parents can just open the cage door and let him come out on his own. and if he doesn't go back on his own maybie they can put his favorite treat in the cage so he will go in and they can shut the door behind him explain to your parents the he doesn't like to poop in his cage and he has to be let out to go at least 3 or 4 times a day or if at all possible let him out all day and when he goes back in to have his dinner maybe shut the door then.

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Harvey will certainly come out of his cage on his own, but hell would freeze over the day he feels like going back there himself!


The thing I have to take into account is their 4 year old Weimaraner Suzy - who isn't used to birds and would have to be locked out in order that Harvey's allowed out on his stand. My parents were happy to do this in order that Harvey could go poop, but Harvey isn't happy them handling him and does give quite a strong "nip" - one that perhaps as parrot owners we brush aside, but non-parrot owners consider vicious.


I'm so grateful to them for having him - he'll have company all day, every day, but just so worried about this poop problem if they don't let him out - will he just be forced to poop at a certain point!

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