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Hi All am new here, my name is Debbie and I have 3 fids,Opey my Quaker, KC my Eclectus and Riley our new CAG , Riley is 2 and half years old and we are his 3rd home , Opey is also a rehome we are his 2nd home, KC we have had since he was 5 months old and he is also 2 and a half years old, I say we in terms of me and my hubby, I also have have 2 human sons both which are grown, heres a pic of all 3 of them I took yesterday





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Hello Debbie and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Riley and the fids.


You sound like you have your hands full, never a dull moment when you have fids in the house but they bring so much joy to our lives it is well worth it. I commend you for taking in rehomed birds, we have so many that are in need of homes and when someone can open their home and heart for them then my hat is off to you so to speak.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


You must have recognized that we love pictures here and provided some of your fids, they are a lovely bunch, thanks for including them in your opening post.

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Hi Debbie, welcome to the forum! I love your pictures, all your birds are so beautiful. Do they get along with each other? That is so wonderful of you to rehome Riley and Opey, they are so lucky to have found you. How long have you had Riley for? Is he a talker? I look forward to hearing more about you and your fids. Enjoy the site. ;)

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we have had Riley for a month now and yes he talks when he wants lol he is stubborn,and would u believe I bought a Timneh Grey today,it was a hard decission wasn't sure to go for it or not but I did , now we have 4 to feed but it's just more love to go around and Riley will have a buddy now , I will post some pics later and tell u the story off to dinner be back later

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