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Hi,i was wounderning if your african grey loves apples.My africaon grey chico loves them i carnt get him to eat his banana or melon and kiwee lol.I haqve tryed to just put the others in and miss out the apple.But he just chukes all his fresh fruit out!!!!.


so i was woundering does your african grey love apples.

Or what fruit is your african grey MAD ABOUT lol!!!!


thanks greylover

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Guest Lidia

Joshua loves apples, but only hard, green granny smiths. He loves melon of any sort, but is not too fond of bananas and kinds of beaks it and then spits it out. He's not crazy about kiwis, but loves oranges (mandarines, tangerines, clementines, satsumas, etc), he LOVES pomegranate and would eat it all day long if he could. He also likes persimmons (sharon fruit) and will eat a lot of that if it's ripe, and also kumquats, lychees, cherries, blueberries, blackberries. He won't eat strawberries. He will eat pear, but only until he discovers it is not apple, and then he spits it out. He also loves fresh and tinned pineapple, mango, peaches, nectarines and ripe gooseberries (I like them sour, so he doesn't get too many).


Incidentally, Joshua LOVES picking the apple seeds from granny smith apples and eating them. However, I know apple seeds are poisonous (if consumed in large enough quantity) and cumulatively poisonous (if consumed often enough), so I am careful.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/06 13:59

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Guest briansmum

Grapes over here, like i said in my "grapes" thread, they are the ONLY thing he eats all of, there is no waste. he liked blueberries too.. anyone know the nutritional value of blueberries

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Guest Monique

My Grey is horrible picky and he doesn't like anything I put in his dish but I just keep putting it in there. BUT when you feed him by hand something you are eating, he will eat it. (Go figure!)


My Macaw LOVES bananas.


Blueberries are very nutritional - lots of antioxidants!!

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Guest briansmum

they don't tend to eat much anyway.. or is that just mine. he only has a few bites of things every time he eats.


and thankyou monique, i will stock up on blueberries, because i like them too :)

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Guest Lidia

xxbeccyxx wrote:

they don't tend to eat much anyway.. or is that just mine. he only has a few bites of things every time he eats.


God, you all have very polite birds! Joshua would eat an entire apple (well, shred an entire apple to get at the seeds) if he could get away with it (he has done it in the past).


Monique, thanks for the update on blueberries!

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Guest Lidia

judygram wrote:

You are so right, greylover, they are not supposed to have apple seeds, don't let him have any more, I would not want anything to happen to your baby.


I know this now, but I didn't know it eighteen years ago when I started letting him eat apple seeds!!!!


If you look down through the posts, you'll see I said apple seeds were poisonous at about 13:56 today.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/06 23:49

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Opps, sorry Lidia, I must have overlooked that part of your post, but it bears repeating for those who did not know that. Thanks for pointing that out for me, I must have been having a senior moment, I have a lot of those lately it seems.:blush:

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Guest Lidia

judygram wrote:

I must have been having a senior moment, I have a lot of those lately it seems.:blush:


Thanks, Judy! I think I must be having a senior moment myself, sooo very defensive about apple seeds....

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Talon hated banana's, but just recently started eating the rest of mine if it's only about an inch or so left, and still in the skin.:side:


Apple Seeds have cyanide in them, that's why they can be bad for greys.

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Guest Lidia

Pasta, Joshua would sell his soul for pasta. Especially if it had bolognese sauce AND cheese on it. He can put a lot away as well!


Greylover and Judy, sorry about my snippiness last night, I don't know why I was so defensive. Maybe pure egoism because you hadn't read down to the bottom of my post!!!!! Mea maxima culpa!



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