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Please advise...Kiki is a Girl


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Hello all,

It's been some time since my last logon. Kiki has been in our home for 8 weeks now, we love her and she makes us laugh hard at times. I do have a concern. She has been loseing lots of white feathers and some grey feathers. Is this something I should be worried about? or is there something I can do about it? She get's her bath every Saturday. Did someone here mention aloe vera juice? if so how do I mix it. I bought gallon jug, just have not used it.


Thanks a bunch, Kiki and Pam

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Hello Pam and Kiki.


The down and other small feathers coming out are normal for a young bird. Use the Aloe Juice full strength in a misting bottle to keep her skin supple and moist 2x a week if possible. There will be lots of pin feathers coming in and that equals irritation that the Aloe will minimize.

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