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Independence Day for Sterling


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While I was away at summer camp with my son and his boy scout troop, one of the men at our local VFW passed away. It was not a well known fact that this man had birds, much less an umbrella cockatoo. Cutting to the chase, Dad called me at camp with tons of questions about caring for this bird. The members of the VFW were trying to do their best by this man and his winged friend until the family could get there. Unfortunately, I was five hours away and the best I could do was tell them to make sure he had plenty of food and fresh water at all times, and to try to sit with the bird during this obviously stressful time.


When I came home on Saturday, much to my surprise, I had a new bird. His name is Sterling, he is 9 years old, and absolutely gorgeous. Apparently the man's family had no desire to keep the bird and were going to take him to the ASPCA. Dad voluntold me as the new permanent home and mommy to this beautiful creature. This man was well loved by his fellow members. Now I desperately need the help of the members of this forum.


We brought Sterling home Saturday evening, after scrambling to the local bird shop for a new cage. I wasn't happy with the size cage Sterling had. The members of the VFW chipped in on the cost of the cage and we have about a 6 month supply of toys. We did bring a very large perch from the man's house for Sterling. I believe he was out of his cage for all but sleeping and when the man was away from home. Sterling is clipped, but has the ability to glide down to the floor is what I consider to be a very graceful way. The man's family gave me a folder that contained Sterling's hatch records, Micro-chip information and health information. Fortunately the avian vet is the same one I use for Dixie (CAG).


Sterling is not very fond of my husband, but is totally enamored by my son Paul. He is quick to jump from his cage porch to Paul's arm, climb down and run across the floor to him, and will sit on his lap and make gentle clicking noises. He does the same for me. So far we have not encountered any of the screaming that is common to Toos, Sterling is very docile and is in perfect condition on the outside.


Now for my questions - especially since I have Dixie (CAG).


1. Socialization between the two of them. I'm making sure I keep them separated, how do I go about getting them to know one another safely?


2. Jealousy? Does this happen? I was away for a week and have done everything I can to make sure Dixie doesn't feel like she's being ignored. While I was gone she did very well with my husband and mom, even getting closer to my husband than she was, but quickly left him when I got home to come to me (thank goodness).


3. Nutrition? I'm feeding Sterling the seed mix he was raised on, and have offered him the same fresh foods I feed Dixie (I cook for her daily). Dixie is on about 75% Harrison's with 25% seed/dried fruit mix as an all day available food. Breakfast and dinner are fresh fruit, vegetables, rice, etc. Are the specific needs?


4. Is there anything else I need to know? I've already ordered a book on Toos and will read it from cover to cover like I did before getting Dixie, but feel like I'm behind the curve on this one and don't want to do anything to create problems.


I apologize for the length of this post, but wanted to give as much information as I could.

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I am so glad you have taken this bird.It sounds like sterling was well loved and cared for by his last owner.I am sure he would be happy knowing you are caring for his feathered companion.Umbrella cockatoos are so beautiful.I am sure you are aware of comitment these birds need.My advise is to read all you can on the species and talk to your vet about diet and health care.It is fantastic that your own vet cares for this bird,he will know the history and any problems that have come up.I would take the introduction to your grey very slow.It is hard to predict the eventual outcome but be prepared for them not liking one another.How kind of the vfw to help towards a new cage.I think that was so special.Good luck with your new too and please keep us updated.

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Too's basically are the same as our Greys diet wise you may want to add a few hard nuts in the shell. they love to chew lots and lots big pieces of semi hard wood strung together there is a site that has great homemade toys for Too;s www.mytoos.com it has step by step instructions. It also has a ton of info on it congratulations on your new fid looks like your son has a new bird. As far a your Grey and too go I would let them out together but on separate stands or play tops let them watch each other and get to know each other from a distance but first call the vet and make sure Dixie has a clean bill of health. if they do try to interact with each other be ready to intervene if there's any kind of conflict like lunging.

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Congrats on your new too, Sterling, I hope he makes a wonderful addition to your family and everything go well for you. I won't add anything as I have no experience with toos and the others have already given you some sound advice.


Some pictures would be nice though.

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Yesterday with Sterling and Dixie was quite exciting and impressive.


Dixie didn't seem to care that Sterling was around until he got close to her. She was perched on her swing in the window next to my office chair and Sterling came down from his cage, walked over to me and wanted to sit on the back of the chair or my shoulder. He's very docile and has yet to scream, but has been talking to me. Dixie wasn't happy about his being so close so I separated myself and Sterling from the vicinity, putting Sterling back on his cage.


Sterling likes to jump on Dixie's cage and at one point later in the day, while she was inside her cage, he did this and she was not a happy camper. I wouldn't be either. I put Sterling in his cage for a time out and explained "No, you can't jump on Dixie's cage." I will have to move the cages I suspect. They are close together.


Dixie was much more affectionate with me yesterday after I had put Sterling back in his cage and had her out with me, just Dixie and Mommy time. I know that the two of them coming together may take months, and I'm prepared for that.


Paul has been very active in caring for Sterling, it was amazing watching how close the two of them seem to have come in such a short period of time. Sterling is content to sit on the arm of the chair and have Paul stroke under his wings, on his neck and under his chin. If Paul takes his hand away for more than a few moments, Sterling gently nudges his hand for more affection. It's funny watching this child and bird bonding, playing and having fun. Paul wasn't too keen on my making him get up to feed all of them this morning, but it's summer and he's in sleep mode.....8:00 is not too early for anyone to be up...lol.


I spoke with the avian vet on Saturday afternoon, and bless his heart, he actually answered the phone after hours. Sterling had been seen only 3 months ago for his annual check up and of course Dixie was seen 2 months ago when I brought her home. All with health is going good. Sterling is happily eating this morning, grapes, strawberries and banana's, some of his seed and has tried a pellet or two. I'm hoping to decrease the seed an increase the pellets, but that will take time.


I hope this picture will publish, I'm not good at putting up pictures here.




Robin, Paul, Dixie, Sterling, George & Gracie Sterling.jpg


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Thanks to all for their input, I'm trying to register on the mytoos.com site for additional information. I figure I can never be too informed.


When I started looking at obtaining a bird, their site actually stopped me from getting a U2, it really made me see the light of these birds. Now that we have Sterling, it will be very useful, especially since Dad volunteered my services. The men at the VFW have set up a "toy" fund for Sterling, especially since he has started tearing up his toys with gusto. Dad has been especially impressed with how well Sterling is doing considering the death of his former owner. We want this baby to have the rest of his life in my home (obviously after I go, my son).


The more information I can obtain and support that is being offered makes this a positive choice in taking in Sterling. Three days into our adventure and we're all still in love with him. Yesterday he ventured onto my daughter's arm for a bit (Sarah is 20). She has now offered to do all the bird sitting for us when we must go out of town. She's even warming up to Dixie (but then again, Dixie is "MY" baby.)


Thanks again to everyone for their support and advice.




Robin, Paul, Dixie, Sterling, George & Gracie

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Awwww, congratulations on having Sterling brought as an addition to your home. He could not have found a better home. :-)


The photo shows he is beautiful and from your description, he has just plugged himself right in to being a member of your flock.


Karma to you for bringing this TOO into your home and life.

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Quick update on Sterling and Dixie's socialization.


Sterling likes to jump over to Dixie's cage and I'm not sure if he's trying to be social or dominating. Yesterday Dixie lunged at him so today I'll be rearranging cages so they can both be on their respective homes without worries although they will never be out of the cage without supervision. Had to give the hubby a reprimand about this yesterday, he walked out to get a cup of coffee and while nothing happened, don't even want to take the chance.


I know this is going to take some major time to get them to liking/tolerating each other if ever, but I've committed to taking care of Sterling as I was asked to by his former owner's family. I was aware of the potential problems, it is something we will handle to make sure all of the birds are happy. We are so in love with him it's not expressable in words.


Paul did have some major time with Sterling last night while watching tv. Sterling was enjoying jumping from my shoulder, down to the bed, running across and jumping on Paul's shoulder (we were reclined). When Paul moved the blanket to readjust Sterling dove under the covers and wandered around a bit and then stuck his head out like playing peek-a-boo. Seems the boy did get his own bird, just not the one he thought he wanted. I guess a higher power had better plans than we did. Thank God for that.



Robin, Paul, Dixie, Sterling, George & Gracie

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We have moved Dixie's cage back to her original place and put Sterling's cage on the other end of the room. This seems to have put Dixie back into her normal state of Greydom...she's definitely smarter than I am...lol and playing normally, obviously very happy.


Sterling has only come down off his cage a few times to run over to Dixie's, in which I quickly got up and spoke to him, telling him "no" you can't visit right now, but you can look from a distance. The second time he turned around and walked back to his cage, poor little guy, I think he wants to be friends and Dixie is just not up for that yet.


Sterling has started becoming more vocal..mostly his scream, which I know is what he is supposed to do. This morning he announced to all it was breakfast time as I had finished putting his bowls into his cage. I almost died laughing when Dixie announced, "pretty voice". I had never heard her say that before, but she obviously knows it. WTG Dixie. Right now they are having a "noise" match which it really funny

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