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Identifying lost birds


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A friend of mine in Norway asked me how lost birds were identifyed in the uk and i said by microchip as far as i knew. then she said what about wingstamping then it clicked when i used to race Pigeons we used to stamp the birds two or three times at the start of the season on there last three wing flights. If the birds would then get lost i.e. go to someone elses loft they would look at the flights and see owners name & phone number on & contact them to arrange for its return. I think its a great idea for us parrot owners to stamp our birds just incase they happen to escape it also is there for identification that its your bird Whats your thoughts on this ?

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The only problem with this is that you would have to do it every year and some people would either forget, not be bothered or keep delaying it as they are busy. Also many people would have problems doing it themsleves as it is a 2 person job and the bird might not react well to being handled in this manner.


I mean it is good because the stamp could have your telephone number, name etc.


I think as a back up to chipping or the ring it is a good idea if you could manage it and it didn't traumatise the bird.


Personally I wouldn't do it as here if your bird is lost and someone takes it to the vet or police they have a register of all bird breeders who they contact in these cases and all breeders have records of the owners.

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