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Loud Noises + Cage Biting


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My Grey is 3 1/2 years old now and for the past year she's been making all sorts of noises whenever we turn on the TV. Not knowing what to do, I've placed her cage on our terrace, at the other side of the window from where she use to be. Whenever she starts making all the noised, we simply close the window given that we understand that if we give her immediate attention we are actually promoting her behavior. Lately, she also taken on biting the cage in certain areas.


I'd love to get her back into the living room but honestly don't know how to manage it. Any suggestions?



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Maybe she wants you to pay attention to her and not watch TV, she may view the TV as competition for your attention and she is making that known the only way she knows how.


Why don't you take her out of her cage and have her sit with you when you watch TV, that way she will be there with you? She is biting the cage because she wants out of it to be with you, she is a social animal and wants to be with the rest of the flock.

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