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Dayo Talking - Not Camera Shy


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Ok finally got Dayo not to be shy to the Camera. You can hear the Waterfall in the background, sorry I had the Patio Door open with the screen closed.


Dayo whistles, dances, says many things, says numbers randomly, Ive been trying to get him to understand you can count anything (Besides colored blocks) so that's what is with the kiss(s) and then he'll say a number...doesn't quite have the correct....yet. :-)


edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/06 03:36
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Thats so great I wish I could catch Tyco on camera Talking but as soon as she see's the camera she clams up I think she thinks its going to steel her soul or something:laugh::evil::silly: Adaya's not camera shy so maybe when she learns to talk I can get her on camera when she learns to talk. I just loves the video of Dayo he's a good little talker and his sound effects are so funny.

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Great video. Glad he got over his camera shyness. He does sound just like you.


For those of you whose birds are camera shy.. Here is what you do. Put the video camera on a tripod and leave it near the cage. After a while it will become just another piece of furniture to them and they won't pay any attention to it.

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Thanks all, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I noticed watching the photobucket version that they had capped and cut my video to 5 minutes.


It is actually 7 minutes long, so I uploaded it to Youtube and changed the link in this topic to the full theatrical directors cut version. :P

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lovethatgrey wrote:

He is so cute! What is he hanging on?


He is hanging on the left over 12 inches of chain links that hold the wine rack up. :-)


There are 2 chains on each side of the rack. He places one foot into a one chain and the other foot in the other chain. He then does many amazing moves like a gymnast and gets really crazy screaming at times and flapping his wings. BIG FUN!! :-)

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What a cutey! It's so lovely hearing him auditioning!! I clicked on a couple of your other links - I particularly loved the one of Dayo taking a bath! What a water baby - he looks like he loves it. If only Harvey could get the message that he REALLY does love

his showers and not stare at me like I'm a serial murderer!!

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JillyBeanz wrote:

I clicked on a couple of your other links - I particularly loved the one of Dayo taking a bath!!


Thanks - He loves splashing around on his own as you saw. However, he does not get wet except his belly. So drenchings he hates must take place, much to his disdain.

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JungleDreamz wrote:

How old is Dayo? How old was he when he started talking?


He said "Hello" one time at 6 months. Then never heard anything but very low mumbles at time until he turned 1yr. Then he just stared blurting out all types of words associated with things.


Dayo is 2yr's 2mo's old.


Thanks for your comments. :-)

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Janfromboone wrote:

Wonderful video. Dayo has such a sweet voice and manner. Was he counting at 4:04 and 5:55 and at the end? Thanks for sharing that with us.


Hi Jan - He is mainly just saying random numbers. He is also kissing x number of times and then saying how many kisses he blew. He is not perfect at it yet, I just started trying to get him to understand you can count anything, including sounds. Not just blocks I place in front of him.


When he goes into one of his "Talking Spells" relaxing, he takes off on a roll of certain phrases and sounds. Later that same day or perhaps the next, he will take off on a completely different set of words, phrases and sounds. I figure it would be too much for them to run down everything they know, it would last for waaaaaay too long. :-) I believe he is calibrating further and also mixing words sometimes to see if they make sense, get a reaction or just simply sound goods to him. :-)


Does Tobie do this as well?

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What a smarty pants -- counting kisses. I just read the book by Irene Pepperberg, Alex and Me. You may have another "Alex". That book just tore me up. I cried at the beginning and at the end when he died. I didn't know how very many ways the thought proceeses resemble ours. Really amazing aren't they. How many 2 yr and 2mo. old children do you know that could count kisses.

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I loved Alex and Me! It gave a real insight to the very close personal side of their relationship and also the struggles they went through together to get to where they were. I did, the same, laughed, cried, laughed, cry etc. I think it's time to read it again. :-)


Dayo is by no means even close to the level Alex was at. I am just trying to expose him to all the things I know they can learn by Dr. Irene Pepperbergs work and a lot more.


I have only taught Dayo 1 - 5 for now to get him to understand the concept of counting items, starting easy at first, but thats NOT easy.


Just figure he has 1 in 5 odds of answering correctly, without REALLY knowing the answer. When he gets to 80 percent correct constantly, then I will feel he has truly grasped it properly.


But, one thing I do believe, is everyone of our Greys are easily capable of this. They all have high intelligence and it's just a matter of how much work and patience each person has to share with their Greys. I try to make everything, ,mean something. The exceptions of course are the Andy Griffith whistle song and the Evil AWE_AWE_AWE..........gotta put some fun in there. :-)


I know Tobie is very advanced also from watching your videos of him. I love it for example when you turn the radio on and he tells you to "Turn the Radio Off!!". :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/08 03:38

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