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one more newbie here

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So glad I found this site!


My husband and I have a new baby named Taco and he's 5 months old. He is a constant source of happiness and I look forward to learning more about him!


Couple of questions if I may:


At what age will he begin to eat "people food"?

When will he stop screaming? (he was very good for a few days - purring and cooing - then reverted back to the screaming lately)



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Hi and welcome.At five months old Taco is able to eat all food .Have you only just got him? If so he is still very strange in his newhome and his screaming is probabey down to insecurity.Try some soft food on a spoon and see if he takes it.This will help him feel more secure and help you bond as well as providing a way of giving medication in the future.Sit close to the cage and talk to him all the time,offer treats by hand. At the moment what is needed is time for him to settle and get aquainted with his new home.Do not reward screaming in any way,remember shouting or going to the cage when he screams will re enforce the habbit.When he screams just simply turn your back on him without talking and perhaps leave the room.


Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/05 18:33<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/05 20:36

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Thanks for the quick reply!

He seems pretty comfortable here - we hand fed him at the pet store until he could come home and bonded pretty well. He's been home for a couple of months and he never exhibited any uncomfortableness (is that a word?) - he's a pretty cool little guy.

I can tell he's playing with me when he screams because he wags his tail and blushes - both signs of happiness I hear).

We will try the soft food trick you mentioned.

Also, I work out of my home and he lives in my office so we talk all day long - he's really trying to say "hello"...

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He sounds wonderful if he is playing when he screams then you are really going to have to nip thisin the bud quickly and the only way todo that is to put him back in his cage without saying anything and turning your back everytime he screams and then when he's quiet reward him and tell him what a good bird he is when he doesn't scream.

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thanks for all of the advice. He's sitting on my shoulder as I write this and upon further consideration, he might not be screaming at all - I think he just might be trying to find his voice - he seems happy but wow! he's loud.

Will try the suggestions you mentioned.


and to the parent concerned about bath time....taco loves being sprayed with water - the trick is to hold it to the side and spray up so it falls on him like rain..

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Hello Lauren and welcome to our family, we are so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Taco.


The others have given you some very good advice about his screaming, you really need to ignore it and not give any kind of reward which could be the attention he gets when he does it.


Yes he should be eating table food now, just be sure you know what not to feed and you will find that in the bird food room if you don't already know, most will enjoy a wide variety of foods.


You will find we have a wealth of information here in our many threads so do give a read thru and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have any of Taco you would share with us we would appreciate it.

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Welcome aboard to you and Taco. You can start introducing human food at any time. He might not eat any of it at first but it is nonetheless important to get him familiar with it even if he plays around with it or poops on it. Introduce him to a lot of healthy vegetables!


Re: the screaming..maybe he is just belting it out because he loves the way he sounds when he calls out or maybe he is sending you a contact call if you happen to be not in the same room as him and just wants you to respond.


Inappropriate screaming should be ignored but as his parront it is your duty to investigate, observe and figure out why he is screaming and work with him to redirect that screaming. There usually is a reason for their screaming out even in it isn't obvious to us humans.{Feel-good-00020114}

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Welcome Lauren and Taco!!


It's GreYt having you here.


It sounds like you have a wonderful new office worker there that is helping keep you alert and going during the business hours. :P


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)

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Hi Lauren and Taco, welcome to the forum! When is Taco's hatch date? I also have a 5 month old baby named Ecko, his hatch date is 2/2/09, they are probably very close in age. Have you been giving him fresh fruits and veggies yet? Veggies should be his main diet. I make Ecko a veggie mix every morning and night, which consists of brocolli, peas, carrots, beans, rice, squash, green beans, etc. The greener the better for them. I give him fruits every other day because they are high in sugars, luckily he likes veggies more than fruits, but his favorite fruits are raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. He also always has his pellet, nut and seed mix out at all times so he can munch on that when he gets hungry. So Taco is loud? Ecko is a very quiet grey but sometimes he gets really chatty and makes all kinds of cool noises. He already says his name too so its really exciting to hear it. Does he mimic things yet? Thats great that Taco gets to be with you all day while you work, sounds like you guys are going to be great friends. Anyways, I look forward to hearing more about you and Taco. If you have any pictures of him we would love to see him. Enjoy the site. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/07/06 17:20

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Hi there! Yes, Taco and Ecko are very close in age - Taco was hatched on Feb 19th.

I've tried some brocolli, bananas, peaches but no luck yet - he seems to be a bit of a millet slut - I know it's not great to give him a constant supply so I limit the amount but he roots around all day looking for pieces. Will try your mix and see what he picks out - I do know he loves hot red peppers and peanuts.

Grocery shopping should be fun!

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lauren333 wrote:

I've tried some brocolli, bananas, peaches but no luck yet.


I do know he loves hot red peppers and peanuts.


Grocery shopping should be fun!


I don't have any luck with bananas or peaches either. Have you tried cooking the brocolli and giving it to him warm? Ecko won't eat it unless its cooked(spoiled boy haha.)


Oh yes they looooove spicy foods! The first time I gave him something spicy(I didn't know he ate it yet) I kissed his beak and boy did that burn my lips! LOL!


And yes grocery shopping should be very fun. Now when we go grocery shopping, 75% of it is for Ecko and the rest 25% is for us haha! Very spoiled bird. You are going to have so much fun with Taco. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/07/06 17:35

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