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I've read loads about how parrots snooze during the day (my cockatiel used to loads) - Harvey most certainly doesn't! He's busy all of the time and moves from one thing to the next - be it cleaning himself, playing with his toys, eating etc - but NEVER sleeps during the day. He did on the very, very first day I brought him home, but since then he's awake all day, every day!


We don't live in a noisy house, so it's not a case that he's disturbed and can't sleep - he just downright doesn't! Does anyone else experience this with their birdies?

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Alfie never naps during the day jill hes allways up to something maybe he doesnt get time lol he used to when he was a baby but not anymore so Harvey aint alone they will nap when they want to just like us :)

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Dayo will nap during the day, if we are in the living room watching TV or a movie. Sometimes he will actually lay down, feet sticking out the back on Kim's lap, wings drooped and fall into such a deep sleep he sometimes has actually rolled off on to the couch.


This does not happen that often, but many times if we are sitting in one place for an hour or so and he's sitting on our shoulder or on a perch, we well see him drifting in and out as his eyes shut for 20 to 30 seconds at a time.


However, anytime there is no such sitting for an extended period, he's in the middle of everything.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/05 15:34

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Charlie and Cracker will nap during the day,most often if I am sitting quiet,they will sort of catch the mood.I have never ever seen Charlie with his head under his wing though.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/10 20:16

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Thanks all - I'm now happier that Harvey isn't being sleep deprived - but on the other hand jealous as hell that some of you get some snippets of peace during the day!!! I tell you what - I'm 34 and knackered from his activities - what am I going to be like at 64!!


Thanks again ~ Jill xx

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I swear my bird must have ADHD because he is so hyperactive during the day and doesn't seem to get tired until 9:30 at night. LOL Your not the only one Jill, sometimes I wish he would stay still and nap for just a little while, haha. He's like the energizer bunny. :laugh:

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Ha Lauren - I'll swap ya! Harvey acts like he's been fed on blue smarties...constantly! When I've noticed him not doing anything and just staring into space I often think he's tired, so trying to earn myself a bit of peace I'll turn the TV down a notch or two in the hope that he nods off! But alas....no noise, Harvey needs to make some! Enjoy it when you can I say! :P

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