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flying onto picture frames


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i'm in deperate need of help!!!


over these past couple of months Tigerlily has taken to flying onto my picture frames and biting them to pieces. i think she does this because she can see her reflection in the glass and to annoy me.


i've tried ignoring her, she just destorys them even more.

i've tried calmly taking her down, she just flies back up.

i've tried shouting at her, she just ignores me and laughs.

i've tried praising her when she flies off on her own accord, she just flies back up.

she does it when i'm in the room and when i'm not.


short of clipping her wings or taking the pics down (both routs i'm not prepared to go down) i'm at a loss as how to stop her from doing it.


is there something i can put onto the frames that wont harm the frames or tigerlily but when she bites it will make her think twice about doing it again?


any advice welcome



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Can u put her in another room? Or give her something to keep her busy

Kookie has broken 2 mirrors ere hanging on the wall. He removesthe pins and enjoysthe mirror crashing down to pieces, but giving him enough toys to keep him busy, a mirror inside his cage and another one on his play tree, diverts his attention. Give her a wooden frame toplay with so she wouldnt have to destroy the ones in the room


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The only thing you can do about this, since your aware of the problem, is to go get her immediately upon her landing. Yes, you will need to do this a 1000 times, but it is the only way to stop them from going to forbidden areas or items.


Even after this behavior has slowed down, every once in a while they will test again to see if it's ok.


The moment she gets there, start moving towards her and get her off.


I have had to do this with Dayo on a few different locations and items. Now when he flies and lands on those spots (Rarely) , he looks to see if I'm coming and most the time (not always) he will just give up and fly away before I get there. Then say "Good Boy". :-)

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Perhaps Tigerlily would land on boings or hanging perches if you have them in the room. This is where my fids like to sit. I have one in front of my front room window and they will sit there for hours chewing on their wooden toys or foraging toys enjoying the filtered light and activity outside.




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just an update


it's been a few days now and no flying onto picture frames:woohoo:

lets hope this continues:blink:


well i put cling film on the tops of the frames and after a few attempts of trying to fly onto them she has given up for now, she didn't try to eat the cling film but i don't think she liked the feel of it.


the cling films still up for now, fingers crossed it;s done the job

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Can u put her in another room? Or give her something to keep her busy

Kookie has broken 2 mirrors ere hanging on the wall. He removesthe pins and enjoysthe mirror crashing down to pieces, but giving him enough toys to keep him busy, a mirror inside his cage and another one on his play tree, diverts his attention. Give her a wooden frame toplay with so she wouldnt have to destroy the ones in the room


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  • 1 month later...

i'd just like to thank every one, yet again you lot have improved tigerlilies life hugely.


after posting this thread and the answers about hanging stuff from the ceiling i finally went ahead and got it sorted and have a few toys and swings hanging and tigerlily is constantly on them.


she loves climbing and hanging from them all and i know the quality of her life has improved once again because of this forum



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