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why does my grey keep attacking me?


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she's always going after me, and when she bites, she grabs into my skin and doesnt let go!:(

how can i make her stop? i cant use gloves because shes paranoid or something and screams whenever she sees an object .... like if im holding a box and walking past her cage, she'll go crazy and start jumping around and growling and screaming at me until i put it away from her!:unsure:


i really dont know what to do, i havnt touched her for 2 weeks because she goes after my hand everytime i go to pick her up, but she wants to come out, ive had her since she was born, shes always been a biter but its just getting worse as she gets older....my mom wants to give her away because im the only one she lets her touch, but now she wont even let me, her owner pick her up:dry:

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First how old is your bird. you really need to teach her that biting is not acceptable behavour. how much out of cage time does she get? If she's not out everyday for at leasy 3to4 hours then she may just be cage territorial in which case your going to have to get her totally away from her cage and work with her. I need some more back ground in order to help you does she have a play gym or playstand? does she have lots of toys? her age would help and how long have you had her?

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luvparrots wrote:

Hi windchimetime, please tell us a little more about your grey. What is her name and how old is she? Is she flighted or clipped? When was she last at an avian vet and what do you feed her? From your Avatar she looks very young.


her name is bella, i havnt clipped her in awhile but she doesnt know how to fly.

i've never taken her to a vet, i got her right from the bird store when she was 6 months old, but i visited her almost everyday as she grew up and i was allowed to take her home.

she is about 1 or 1 1/2 years old.....and she talks a lot for a bird her age, she actually never stops talking lol:P

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Tycos_mom wrote:

First how old is your bird. you really need to teach her that biting is not acceptable behavour. how much out of cage time does she get? If she's not out everyday for at leasy 3to4 hours then she may just be cage territorial in which case your going to have to get her totally away from her cage and work with her. I need some more back ground in order to help you does she have a play gym or playstand? does she have lots of toys? her age would help and how long have you had her?


she is almost 2 years old. ive had her since she was born really, i visited her everyday until she was allowed to leave the store

i put her away when she bites and say "bad girl" but she just repeats what i say or bites because she likes the sound of me screaming "ow!"

she actually hasnt gotten much out of the cage time except for when im cooking i let her on top of her cage for about an hour...but if i have her out too long she gets too comfortable and goes to bite me

-i took the play thing from the top of her cage off because it was loaded with feathers and she throws food and toys in the kitchen, but i still let her on top of it, there is just no perch

man, this parrot is a handful, i just want her to be affectionate since im going to have her until i die!

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First off thats exactly why she bite because you react at least not in front of her noscreaming ow none of that when she bite put her in her cage and turn your back and walk away go somewhere like outside and scream but never in front of your bird they love drama and you have taught your bird to bite because she thinks its funny. try useing your fist make a fist as tight as possible then bend your wrist so the skin on the top of your hand is tight. Then moveyour hand towards her kepping to top of your hand in line with her beak she will not beable to bite it. she sounds also like she may be biteing to so you will put her back in her cage after she has had enough do you have a small cage that you can use for time outs or apet crate something like that something other than her cage. African greys need at least 2 to 3 hours of out of cage time daily or they will become cage territorial and wont let you come near them so you have to take her away from her cage can you get her a portable stand of some sort and take her to your room to spend time with you you don't have to play withher the whole time if you can get her a few little foot toys from the dollar store like rattles and sqeak toys stuff like that then she can at least have your company everyday for a while even an hour is better than nothing but get her away from her cage. try this for now and remember don't react to her bite push your fist into her face and say go ahead bite and say I don't care it not going to work anymore she will soon stop and don't worry she won't be able to get a good grip with your fist tight.

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Tycos_mom wrote:

First off thats exactly why she bite because you react at least not in front of her noscreaming ow none of that when she bite put her in her cage and turn your back and walk away go somewhere like outside and scream but never in front of your bird they love drama and you have taught your bird to bite because she thinks its funny. try useing your fist make a fist as tight as possible then bend your wrist so the skin on the top of your hand is tight. Then moveyour hand towards her kepping to top of your hand in line with her beak she will not beable to bite it. she sounds also like she may be biteing to so you will put her back in her cage after she has had enough do you have a small cage that you can use for time outs or apet crate something like that something other than her cage. African greys need at least 2 to 3 hours of out of cage time daily or they will become cage territorial and wont let you come near them so you have to take her away from her cage can you get her a portable stand of some sort and take her to your room to spend time with you you don't have to play withher the whole time if you can get her a few little foot toys from the dollar store like rattles and sqeak toys stuff like that then she can at least have your company everyday for a while even an hour is better than nothing but get her away from her cage. try this for now and remember don't react to her bite push your fist into her face and say go ahead bite and say I don't care it not going to work anymore she will soon stop and don't worry she won't be able to get a good grip with your fist tight.


when i do that with my fist, she still finds a way around to bite me hard somewhere...and when you say to let her out of her cage, do you mean off it? like even the top play area? shes actually always trying to get my attention, she throws toys at my head! and she screams my name when i leave the room, i never knew she was this smart..i noticed tht she likes to hangout on the sink while im in the shower, is it okay for her to be in there when its humid?


one more thing, how come she is so afraid of objects? if im holding a box or anything bigger than her she will scream and try to fly away. its so strange, if im holding a container or something and walk past her cage she will get puffy and scream and growl.and when i give her unfamiliar food she does the same thing...

i feed her regular bird food from the supermarket and occasionally give her blue berries, cheerios or pasta

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Tycos_mom wrote:

First off thats exactly why she bite because you react at least not in front of her noscreaming ow none of that when she bite put her in her cage and turn your back and walk away go somewhere like outside and scream but never in front of your bird they love drama and you have taught your bird to bite because she thinks its funny. try useing your fist make a fist as tight as possible then bend your wrist so the skin on the top of your hand is tight. Then moveyour hand towards her kepping to top of your hand in line with her beak she will not beable to bite it. she sounds also like she may be biteing to so you will put her back in her cage after she has had enough do you have a small cage that you can use for time outs or apet crate something like that something other than her cage. African greys need at least 2 to 3 hours of out of cage time daily or they will become cage territorial and wont let you come near them so you have to take her away from her cage can you get her a portable stand of some sort and take her to your room to spend time with you you don't have to play withher the whole time if you can get her a few little foot toys from the dollar store like rattles and sqeak toys stuff like that then she can at least have your company everyday for a while even an hour is better than nothing but get her away from her cage. try this for now and remember don't react to her bite push your fist into her face and say go ahead bite and say I don't care it not going to work anymore she will soon stop and don't worry she won't be able to get a good grip with your fist tight.


i just took her out, shes sitting on her little perch next to me in my room and shes dancing to music, although i cant touch her because shes going after my hands like usual =/ at least shes out and socializing

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Thats great when you use your fist you have to continuusly move your hand when she move to grab another spot turn your hand so your fist is always lined up with her beack watch her body language when she move you do the same stay with it it will work and keep reminding her no bite.

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