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A possible deterent


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A few days ago someone mentioned that posting videos of all the adorable things our fids do might encourage people to go out and get one without doing their homework first (I think it was after one of Emma's completely heart stealing performances:kiss: ) Than there was another thread about what expensive things had your grey detroyed. This got me thinking. What if we, en masse, posted videos documenting the not-so-cute side of having a large bird. Not just pictures of things destroyed, but how you have to have large perches througout the house, poop on carpets, receipts for what we spend on them every week, dust and feather covered furniture, clogged air cleaner filters, wasted food on the floor etc. . . Someone who understands YouTube better than me might know if there's a way to link our fids cute videos to these ones, maybe with a title like "Thinking of getting a grey for yourself?" Again, I don't do YouTube so I don't know if this would work, but I think it would be good to put the other side of the large parrot ownership picture out there. What do you guys think?

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You mean something like mytoos site where you can go if you are thinking of getting a cockatoo, it gives you the downside of owning one. You are exactly right though about the adorable videos of our greys will encourage people to go out and get one without finding out all that is involoved until it is too late.


That is an excellent idea Margerite and maybe someone who is more web savvy than me could help us with it.

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It's a great idea - but reading this thread you've already put me off!!! ;)


Places such as You Tube do glorify the Grey (and others) as fantastic pets (which of course, if treated correctly they are) - I too think that watching these glorifies the "good" in our Greys, but sadly - as said, not the full time job owning a parrot incurs!


Perhaps when this is set up it could be called "Chew Tube" :lol:

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I think it is a great idea! I could have filmed my whole day the other day cleaning all 4 BIG bird cages, And not just changing the paper in the bottom, But scrubbing all the poop off the cages and the grates in the bottom (and top if it is a playtop cage) and scrubbing the floors and the seed/poop catchers...I do it all the time, and it still takes me ALL day everytime I do it. And then you put them in thier nice clean cage that you just spent hours on, and then they drop a big gooey poo right on the clean stuff, and then go to thier food dish and fling out all the food, then go into thier water dish and fling water everywhere trying to take a bath...LOL...BUT if you are cut out for all of this, all this doesnt even matter because they bring you so much joy ;)


But yeah it sounds like a great idea just to let people that have never owned birds aware of all the work and money and sweat that goes into owning these beautiful creatures :)


Keep us all posted and I will defanitly help out in any way I can :)

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Oh yeah I also have 5 huge cages to clean but there is noway that I can clean them all in 1 day I do 2 one day and then 3 the next. then I start all over again its a huge job and if you aren't on top of it constantly then the job is twice as hard. they are allot of work but if your trully a bird person its just part of it. All pets take some work parrots are just a little more than most.

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If we do this it has to show both sides. Don't you think our goal should be to educate people about grey companionship not turn everyone off on having a grey. Kind of a "Good, the Bad and the Ugly" theme. What it takes to be a truly great parront and the sacrifices that might entail.

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I agree...Thats why I said if you were cut out for all the time and work it takes its worth it becaus eof all the joy they give you...


And I Agree TYcos_mom, All pets take a ton of work, Parrots are just a differant kind of work that not everyone realizes :)

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Thanks for the feedback guys. I think if we do it with humour we could educate before people take the leap into parronthood. The most I could show is the poop and food everywhere, and the drawers and tubs of toys and toy making supplies, as Dorian does not chew at all, but we all know that's not normal for greys, so those with destroyed window frames and cupboards start those cameras rolling. We'd have to make it clear somehow that the birds who have done the destruction are not "bad" birds, but that even good owners with good birds have these things happen. I wouldn't want the reaction to be someone thinking "well, I'd just never let mine out of the cage"!


My first thought was YouTube, simply because thats where alot of cute bird videos, including Einstein, end up. I've never posted on there so I don't really know how it works. Can you link videos and slide shows to our forum, maybe to the "Parrot bill of rights" thread, which I think everyone thinking of getting a bird should read.

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Great idea! I pretty much know about youtube and making videos so I will get on that ASAP. People really don't understand what they are getting themselves into until you actually own a grey. I am a huge neat freak so I am always cleaning, its nothing new to me so thats why I can handle him but some people aren't like me and wouldn't be able to handle it. I will record a day in the life with a messy grey haha, soo stay tuned. ;)

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