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Blood feather


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Something frightened Shanti tonight and he somehow fell. After the scare, I found a very long feather with a little blood in the end of it. He wasn't bleeding at all. First time I've ever seen this though. Anything to worry about?

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He is fine. Normal. He's molting. Actually, this morning he was EAGER to get his spray bath. That's a first! He spread his wings, loved it and then went for a long head dunk in his water bowl. I figure he's itchy (?)


But otherwise, active, talkative, eating, etc. No blood in the cage or floor.


Thanks for all your help!

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P.S. It was just a couple of drops of blood inside the shaft of the feather. It was liquid though, and had not clotted yet when I found the feather. Also, it was an especially long (dark grey) feather, so definitely not a newbie coming in.

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