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They like the harrisons YAY


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Hey all just got back from the vet with the Harrisons a little while ago..ended up getting 2 one-pound hi-po coarse and 2 one-pound high-po super fine... for a total of.. $66.50 (:ohmy:) so I didn't get the power treats cuz I didn't have any cash left lol.

Will definetly be getting some as winter rolls around though.

To my huge surprise there was no hesitation at all with them trying it or going near it... they actually did what harrisons claims and instantly started tasting it no questions asked.. YAY!

I just hope I can get enough $$ together to buy the winter batch lol (1 high-po coarse and 1 high-po super fine are in the freezer, the other two are in the fridge) because my goodness is it expensive.

At first I was skeptical with the 1 pound lasting 4-6 weeks but I was shocked with how little food it actually is compared to the amount I was giving them with zupreem.

Right now I'm giving them the higher-end recommended portions (3 tbs and 3 tsp respectively) but I'll adjust depending on how much they eat.

I think I might go change sizes and just get the fine for both of them...Jack makes a lot of mess with the coarse and the super fine is sooo teeny.

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Well I don't know how things are where you are Ernzzz but around here the ONLY place I can get it (because it has to be shipped from my understanding) is the sole exotic speciality vet in my whole province because I've been told only vets are allowed to sell Harrisons. Good luck with the conversion :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I put poppet on harrisons hi-po coarse for a while but then changed back to the seed and mixed dried fruit one i get her because altho she took to the harrisons it made her completely violent she was flying at the cage and i couldnt get near her she wouldnt get near me unless it was to bite. 3 day after i took her off it she was back to her normal happy playful self<br><br>Post edited by: amylm86, at: 2009/07/20 21:59

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I am in the process of weaning Zazu (14 week Congo). (He was up to 500 grams this morning, from 464 the morning before, however I leave pellets in his cage and I believe he eats some as soon as he wakes in the morning before the weigh-in).


I gave him 2 tbs of Harrisons coarse, slightly moistened this morning and he immediately ate at least half of it. I left some dry in his cage along with the other multi colored pellets in another bowl. He was highly insulted when he realized I was leaving for work without hand feeding him his breakfast. He did eat while I was gone and didn't seem 'crazy hungry'. I will continue his 'nighttime hand feed for a while yet. Does this sound right?

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So I am getting ready to introduce my baby to pellets and I'm thinking of Harrisons. I can get a 1 lb bag for $7.99. What I want to know is how long will this bag last? How much is everyone else feeding there greys a day? My baby is going to be 7 wks friday but is already starting to pick at hie pellets. Right now he's picking at Zupreem.

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