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Bathing In Ice Water?


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My CAG Hewie absolutely will not take a bath in any sort of water other than ice water. The only time I ever give him ice water is when I'm changing his water dish and I feel like giving him a treat; he loves ice cubes. Nowadays, he just throws the ice cubes out and he hops right into the dish to bathe! Is this unhealthy for him and if so, how can I get him to bathe in warmer water?

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I think this is actually not a problem, Azure. My Maxi does exactly the same thing, and somewhere on here there's another thread where people have discussed that their birds prefer ice water, too. I guess some of our little African birds have a secret longing to be penguins!:lol: I prett uch aleways give Max ice water now, she loves it so much - and she really only tries to bathe in it when she's fresh out of the real shower and alreadt wet. Then, tho: watch out! Ice water flying everywhere! :P

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Allot of Greys prefer their bath water Icy cold I know Adaya does Tyco's not crazy about the Ice flouting in the dish but as soon as it melts she in there I usually bath her in the shower but she does like to get into her dish after her shower.

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I totally agree with SSturm! The ice water thing is a no no! Harvey's taken to showering with me (he's actually much calmer than on his own) so the ice water thing will be skipped too!


At the mo here in the UK it's quite warm so I'm tolerating the "luke warm" shower, but come the winter I think Harvey will be showering on his own - and the temperature gauge will be turned up for me!!

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Phoebe loves ice water. Today was a very hot day. I thought that maybe her water was warm so I put ice in it to cool it off. She played and played.Water was everywhere.She just seemed like it. She had a great time.I think Ill do this as a treat.

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Most like cool water and if theres ice cubes in it, it's party time!! :woohoo:


Although it does get a bit messy when they crack the ice cubes and pieces go flying everywhere, but hey, it's just water, not sticky fruit!! :P

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