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New Arrival............


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Well, two days ago I got the bird below.....





Meiko, a 5 month old blue and gold macaw!


I got him and a cage for a good deal, but the cage turned out to be too small for him. So I got the one below, which has loads of room for him, plus he'll be out most of the time anyway.




My Grey jake however had his pad upgraded! :woohoo:





He's not quite sure what to do at the moment as the cage is so big, but it really is ideal for him. It also has a playstand on top which will make it easier when I let him out.


Meiko is already saying hello and taking food etc from my hand, also coming over to the side of the cage and sticking his tongue out when I say 'Gis a kiss!' I've had him stepping up on my arm, and petting the back of his head, but he still does the odd 'mock' lunge and lets a squawk when i put my arm up to him. He's been putting one foot up on my arm and picking at my fingers with his beak, running it along my nails which kind of makes me nervous. Is he going to rip off a nail? I've heard some horror stories about macaws and the strength in their beaks.

The breeder I got him off had him on a TV set filming for 3 weeks and he's well socialized with people so I'm hoping he'll adjust to living here.


I'll update this post as time goes by! ;)

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Don't be afraid of him or he will sense and may bite I find my Macaw likes to rub his beak on my hands and fingers also their beaks are really sensitive and they just love haveing them played with and rubbed they also bluff allot once they settle they are such sweet heart and love to cuddle. have fun with your new baby nice new cage for your Grey and for your Macaw.

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Thanks for the posts! We let him out today on top of his cage and he started squawking and flapping his wings and ended up taking off and flying across the room, landing in the corner and then flappin around and onto my desk. He looked fairly scared so I put my arm up to him and he jumped straight on and let me lift him up to his cage. I'm guessing if he didn't like me at all he wouldn't let me do this.

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Probably so Tommy, I do not have any experience with the larger birds but Pat gave you some good advice about not showing fear when you handle him or he will pick up on that, he is testing you right now and if he finds out you are scared of him then you will have a long tough road to hoe.

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Yeah, thanks for all the advice! I've noticed he kind of ignores me sometimes but goes crazy when my sister comes in, bobbing his head and saying hello and all this. I'm kind of worried he's going to take to her instead of me, though he's in my room so he'll have to get used to me eventually.

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If he's squacking allot he probubly wants some attention you are going tohaveto learn to handle him because Macaws are very hands on birds they like to be cuddled and pet. And at 5 wmonths old he is jus weaned if he's been well socialized then you should be able to handle him no problem forget he's got the beak and pick that bird up and give him some lovee and attention he's probubly used to it and is missing it and doesn't understand.

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I've managed to get him to step up on my arm a few times now, with no lunging, he still picks and grabs hard at my hand but doesn't seem to want to injure, I've also been petting him and his eyes are closing when I do it, and hasn't been squawking since.

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Will get some more pics up soon! He lets the odd squawk now, but after reading a parrot behaviour book I say 'No' in a stern voice, leave the room and close the door and he stops. When I come back in 5 or 10 mins later he seems to be a lot quieter and wants to interact more, for instance a few minutes ago he let a squawk so I closed the door, went downstairs and he stopped...when I came back up he was saying hello non stop and muttering replies to everything I said :laugh:

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This is the kind of bird you are going to have to handle a lot so keep working with him for he is going to try you to see what you are going to do so don't be afraid or he will know it.


I look forward to seeing some more pictures, maybe some close ups.

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He's given me a good few HARD pinches with his beak, though he was actually going to draw blood earlier but he didn't, yet he still gets up on my arm and lets me pet him. I suppose it's good progress to say I've only had him 3 days!<br><br>Post edited by: tommyn, at: 2009/07/04 20:09

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Well he's coming out on my arm every time now, but always goes to pick at my hands and gives me a few 'hard' bites, enough to leave a mark on my hand which only fades after a few minutes. He lets me scratch behind his head etc, but still does this biting thing with my fingers, and always tries to get as close as possible to my fingers when I'm getting him to step up. My sister is slightly afraid of him as he keeps staring at her when he's out the cage and looks like he's wanting to fly to her. He goes crazy when she comes into the room, saying hello, and bobbing his head up and down. Does he just like her and wants to interact with her? She's worried he's going to fly down at her and attack her.

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