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Are we parrot people eccentric?


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I hit up all the pet stores at least 3 times a week to check out sales. I don't remember the last time I bought something that wasn't on sale.


I smuggle cardboard, straws, water bottles... anything I can get my hands on to make the latest new toy.


I plan my meals around Ash's diet.


I have a stand in every room.


Everyone thinks I'm crazy. The comment I get the most is... "wow... you really need a kid."


I try to explain that it's not because I want kids. I just love them... all of them. If that makes me "crazy"... so be it. I know that I'm loved.

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Yes, thats what my family and colleagues think about me.. most of my time at home i spend for my chikki.. and my colleagues say i should probably talk to HR about getting paternity leave when i brought chikki home from the breeders 3 weeks ago..


most ppl dont understand why we pay so much care and attention to a bird.. it doesnt make sense to them why the cage should be so big, why there must be enough toys to keep them engaged.. why it is important to keep them mentally stimulated.. why it is important to pay so much attention to their body language.. and most of all why it is important to keep talking to them when you are around.. but as some of you have commented, none of us are alone in this.. !!

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My birds are my life!


I stay at home to be with them, plan any appointments so it dosent interfere with their out of cage time.


Everything is planned around my birds!

I dont go on holiday anymore as I have no one I can trust to leave them with (except my husband) so that means we dont have family holidays away unfortunately, I make so many sacrifices that people think I am crazy:laugh:


Well, I think these birds deserve it so I dont really care what people think about me, maybe I am eccentric!

I love my babies and thats all that counts:)

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I think people just get tired of me mentioning the bird at work and when I'm out with friends. I try to keep my mouth shut, but before I know it I'm telling a story about my bird. What makes it worse is that Frank bought me an ipod touch for my birthday and I downloaded Tobies videos on it. Now I feel this overwhelming compelling urge to show everyown (who hasn't gotten them emailed to them)videos of Tobie. I'm trying to fight this compulsion, but it's a strain. Thank goodness for the forum. It has been easier since I can share stories with all of you.

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I guess I've turned into an eccentric parrot person, especially with the new addition of Sterling, the U2 who's owner recently passed. I've always considered myself to be slightly off the beaten path, but then again it's what makes me a unique individual.


It started with the lovebirds. They chirp and play and are happy go lucky little guys who actually work better as a calming factor than any drugs I could think of. When we go camping the greatest joy my husband and I have, other than watching our son, is waking up to the birds singing outside our tent and watching them. We have 14 bird feeders outside that NEVER go empty and three fountains for them to bathe in.


Dixie was for me as a gift from my husband and son, a special bird that would truly be mine. Much research and thought went into our obtaining her. The first day I saw her I spent 3 hours at the bird store. Sterling is my adopted baby, who I am enjoying getting to know more and more with each passing minute.


If any of this makes me crazy, so be it, it brings me back to the time when my children were little and needed me for their every meal, toy, happy and unhappy moment, which brings me back to happier times of life. In reality, they are the best therapy in the world without needing therapy! They have taught Paul (soon to be 13 yrs. old) patience and the art of being calm. Even the XBox has taken a back seat to Sterling for Paul.





Robin, Paul, Dixie, Sterling, George and Gracie.<br><br>Post edited by: rbpittman, at: 2009/07/07 16:53

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Yes I too get the wierd looks. I'm a 20 year old guy who works in a "manly" warehouse. All the guys think it's wierd that all this money and time gets spent on my birds. I talk about them so much and so highly though that some of them wanted a bird as well and I quickly had to talk them out of it. They're far to immature and self centered to have a bird. They quite don't realize the time I spend with my birds. And I know if they did get one it wouldn't have been properly cared for.

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