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Hey everyone, i have been reading this forum for about 6 months now. I have done a lot of research and gathered a lot of useful information. After deciding the pros and cons i decided to get a CAG. I will be getting my AG in a few weeks so i thought i would introduce myself.


My name is Mark, i live in TX. I am 22 years old and am a full time college student. I am currently working on my bachelors in Criminal Justice, and will be applying to APD within the next few years.


I'm not sure if my CAG is male or female yet, i get to choose between three weaned babies when the time comes. I already have the cage set up, and all i need now are some toys. I am still undecided on a name since i'm not sure if it's a male or female.


In the past i have had a half-moon conure, he flew into my moms house and after looking for the owner i decided to keep him. I had him for about 4 months in my old apartment, but he was very noisy and my roommate smoked a lot in the apartment. I decided to find him a great new home with a lady who loves birds, she has an eclectus parrot as well. I have talked to her since and she said the conure is doing great.


Just wanted to introduce myself and let the moderators know that this forum is great.

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Great introduction Mark! Congratulations on your new baby CAG. It's always nice to hear that someone has done their research before adopting a fid (feathered kid). Are you close enough to the breeder's establishment/home to be able to visit the three available babies? Can't wait to see some pictures of the baby that is right for you. Welcome to the grey family!

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Hello Mark and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could finally join us and I am so happy you have decided to add an african grey to your life.


Thats what I like to hear is that you have done a lot of research to find out if a grey fits into your lifestyle, you wouldn't believe how many people fail to do just that and that is why we have so many birds in need of new homes.


I'm sure you found out that greys tend to be quieter birds than conures and I should know as I have a sun conure and she does make more noise than my grey.


You have probably already about read thru all the threads but if not continue to read them and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Will you be visiting your baby before you bring it home, if so please take a few pictures and share some with us as we love to see the babies.

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Judy and luvparrots, i am about 2 hours away from the breeder. I went and visited the 4 babies when they were first pulled from their nest. One lady put her deposit down before me so she gets first pick between the 4. I probably won't be visiting until it is time to pick out the grey just because of the distance and gas prices these days :P


At first the breeder was skeptical of selling me one of her babies, but i surprised her with my extensive knowledge of greys from all the research from this site, so i have all of you to thank :D

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Welcome to the forum Mark! So glad you finally decided to post, I've seen you lurking around here a couple of times lol. Congrats on finding a grey. I bet you are soo excited to bring him/her home. Good job for doing your research first! I look forward to hearing more about you and your new baby. ;)

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MarkN8705 wrote:

At first the breeder was skeptical of selling me one of her babies, but i surprised her with my extensive knowledge of greys from all the research from this site, so i have all of you to thank :D


This is so nice to hear, what a compliment to the members of this forum but you did your part to learn all you can about the grey, it will make you a much better parront for doing it.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Under norm all circumstances I wud welcome U to R bird family, but b/cuz U R the guy that axed me if I had downs, I will not do so, but wat I will do iz give U a firm warning that name callling is NOT allowed amongzt family members and will NOT B tolerated on thiz bored. Consider urself warned. U may have thught that we forgot abut that in cident. Otherz might have, but I have not, so check the rulez and remember if U want to B a part of this bird family U have to respect the rulez or face the con sequencez and U will B banned. :evil:


sorry buddy, but thoze R the rulez

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This section is called *Welcome & Introduction Room".


This is not the place to give out warnings you don't like. If you have a problem with someone you can take care of it privately. If you can't be nice to someone in this section, don't come to this section if you can't be civil. You'll let the administrators and moderators decide about who gives out warnings, not you. You've said enough throughout your months here to easily get banned here and that goes back to the remarks in your original profile but notice that you're still here. It wasn't anything you did that made the bosses here change their minds about you. They're simply more understanding and are willing to give people chances without having to warn them. When we decide to make you a policeman here, we'll tell you. Until then, behave yourself or you'll find yourself having big problems here. VERY BIG PROBLEMS! You're not the one that decides who gets banned so don't be making remarks like you know the rules. You don't know the rules but I do know the rules as well as many others do too.


Now you remember something ----


You've been warned!

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I'm not taking anyone's side. If you've got a complaint about something someone said to you, notify the administrators who will take care of it. If someone insulted you, tell it to the administrators or to Dan or to Judy who are both moderators in the welcome room. The welcome room is to say hi and welcome to the board. That's all it's for.

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(Well I never)I'm here and I welcome you with open arms Its a pleasure to have someone who has done their research before buying a baby Grey If this forum is where you did most of your research then you picked the best place on the place one the net. You have read the good the bad and everything in between and because of that your going to be an awesome Parront. I can't wait to see some pictures of your baby maybe you could get your breeder to send some pictures of the baby's. I just love the wee ones they are just so cute. Anyway I got to get some sleep so good night and again welcome.

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