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Greetings All - I'm New here

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Hi everyone. I am DanMcQs wife. I registered last night, and want to say hello to each one of you. Dan has already shared a great amount of info on our new Gray. So, I won't repeat what he has already shared with you folks. I am VERY excited about our Gray, and I am interested in reading the sounds, and body talk of our Gray. I have discovered they have a body language all their own. A slight growl means he is uncomfortable with what I'm doing. A purring sound means he is happy and wanting to be pet, scratched, etc. When his head is stretched out to the limit, he is going to bite me. (it would have been my fault) I've learned NOT to approach him from the top. This is a threat he perceives. But the greatest feeling of all was when our Gray stood on my hand for the first time. I felt connected to him.


We have named him DAYO as you all know. He brings such joy to us when we go to visit him. This week, I will take a picture of Dan holding Dayo, and he can use his picture to attach to his name instead of mine.


I'm very happy to be here with Dan, and we look forward to learning a great deal about the awesome African Gray. Thank you all for sharing all your experiences.

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Hey there... Yes.. Dan has been posting like crazy and we are happy to have him.. and now you... Welcome to our family..


Regarding your Grey.. I can tell you that I didn't pay any attention to any of that with Ceasar.. i just took him in my hands and kissed him all over.. He growled for awhile but after continuely doing this he now understand that I am no threat to him.. Now I can do whatever I want to him with no problems... So, you will hear two different approaches.. The one I told you here.. and others coming form your family members.. Pick what you think will work for you and your bird..

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Hi, Dayosmom! We very glad you joined as well. I like what you said about the body language. I've always been interested in learning more about that. So anything you share about that is certainly exciting to me. Looking forward to hearing more! :)


Maybe you should start a Body Language thread! It would be a great place for all of us to share and learn more!

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Cesarsdad, I would be afraid I would lose my upper lip..........Yikes. :ohmy:

But if it works for you, you go for it. :silly:

I'm still in the GREATEST Respect mode with our Gray.


Talon, that's a great idea. Let's do that. Reading the Body Language of the African Gray! Kool idea!! ;)


Tari, your picture made me smile. Thank you for that. :)

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I tried that with Que after I saw your movie CD and it went badly she screamed and flapped and bite me. No blood but still first time she has ever bite me.:(

maybe if I had started that 6 years ago when she started refussing pets but I didnt so back to towel training.

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Welcome to the forum, Dayosmom, we feel like we already know you, wonder why. Your hubby is Dan now what can we call you besides Dayosmom? I like to add the personal touch to my posts. We learn a lot from each other here and a husband and wife team is great. Looking forward to hearing more from you two.:)

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